New Years

56 1 23

Trigger Warnings:
- Hinting at SA
- Breakdown(?) (idk if this needs a trigger but, if you want to skip it, go to the first (~\|/~)!!)

Griffin was startled awake by a loud thump. It came from the hall, and Griffins instinct kicked in, and he quickly got up and bolted to the door, and opening it open so fast it could've probably snapped off it's hinges.

There in the hall, sat the hunched figure of Aslan. The boys body shaking with..fear? Well, that doesn't matter. What matters is that he's sobbing on the floor. In the hallway. At damn near 3:00 am, on New Year's Eve.

"Aslan?!" Griffin dropped to his knees beside his brother and pulled him into his hold. This resulted in the blonde shoving his face into Griffins chest and sobbing even harder. Well, wasn't this concerning.

"Aslan, hey. Look at me. It's Griff. You're safe." Griffin tried to calm his brother down by holding him in a warm embrace, and rubbing circles into his back. Griffins concern grew as the blonde tried to break free of his brothers grasp.

"Bud, hey. You're safe. You're here with Griffin. Your brother. You're at home, in the hallway outside of our bedrooms." Griffin had absolutely no idea what the fuck was wrong to cause such a breakdown. Aslan seemed to calm down at those words, as he stopped struggling to break free of his brothers grasp.

Aslan's breaths were still shaky, and he was still crying. Not as harshly now however. His body seemed to not be shaking as violently now.

"I..Sorry." If it wasn't almost dead silent in the house, Griffin would've missed what his brother said. But since it was quiet, he heard the quiet whisper coming from his brother. It came out sounding rough and rugged. More likely from crying than not.

Griffin looked at his brother. "Hey..don't apologize. Just tell me what's wrong."

Aslan met Griffins eyes. His eyes were red, and wet. "I had a-another dream a-about h-him.." his voice sounded distant, and scared. As if he didn't want to tell Griffin anything.

Griffin instantly went on high alert at a mention of 'him'. Whoever this guy was, he was going to beat him to the ground for doing something that causes his brother to have a full on breakdown on the fucking floor at 3:00 am. "Who's him? And what did he do?"

Aslan slowly shook his head. "H-he.." the blonde lowered his head and went quiet, minus the odd sniffle.

"He what Aslan?"

"H-he..did so-something.."

"What did he do?"

"He..I..I don't want t- you to'll..never mind." Aslan went silent as he curled into himself more. Pressing his body against Griffins, seeking his warmth and comfort.

Griffin frowned deepened as he put his arms around the boy in a comforting manner. Some dude did something to his brother and he was going to find out what, whether Aslan tells him, or Jim. It's been a reoccurring topic since his first time he's visited.

Then the realization hit Griffin. The police were involved, something with the coach, and during his brothers breakdown he tried to get out of Griffins grasp.

Did the Why was Griffin thinking this way? There's no way his coach did such a thing to Aslan, who is only seven. There's no way. The coach isn't that type of guy. Right..? Yes. Of course he isn't. Griffin must just be overthinking it.

By time Griffin snapped his attention back to his brother, Aslan was asleep. Tears were still slowly falling from the blondes closed eyes. His breathing was slowly and steady.

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