Jennifer's Sister

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It's been roughly two months since the incident happened back home in Cape Cod. Griffin and Aslan kept touch through phone calls, where the older of the two constantly asked for the address of where Aslan was staying.

The younger of the two finally remembered to ask his new..caretaker(?) for the address. Luckily she understood that Griffin wanted to see his little brother, and gladly gave it to the younger blonde.

So, here sat Griffin. In a driveway to some nice cottage styled house, in some town in New York State.

Nervous was an understatement. Griffin was scared out of his mind. He knows nothing about Jennifer's sister. Or should he call her aunt? He doesn't even know her maybe Jennifer's sister? Or is that rude? Yeah. That's rude.

He'll just call her whatever Aslan calls her. Makes it easier on the both of them.

Griffin got out of the car, and made his way to the front door. He could feel beads of sweat drip down his face, even though it was mid October, and it cooled down a lot.

Before he could even knock, the door opened, revealing Aslan. His blonde hair was still long, he still looked skinny but not as bad, and his jade eyes looked more alive.

"Griffy!" The younger of the two instantly wrapped his arms around the frame of his brother. Griffin noticed how Aslan grew an inch since August.

Griffin wrapped his arms around Aslan's back. A nice hug. A needed hug. "Hey bud!"

He heard the sound of heels clicking. He looked up to see an exact replica of his step-mother. Accept this one had longer hair, less wrinkles, a slightly larger nose, and a better fashion style. Probably because she could afford to dress nicely.

That's when he noticed that Aslan too, was wearing nicer clothes than he did back in Cape Cod. He probably got to pick out the clothes that he wanted, and not what was the cheapest.

Griffin released Aslan from his hug and stood up straight, a smile forming over his face. "Hello! I am Griffin. Aslan's half-brother and..your nephew? Correct?"

The girl nodded. "Yes. We haven't had a proper introduction. Feel free to call me aunt Kayli, or even Kayli will work if aunt is too uncomfortable."

Her voice was sweet, soft, and filled with such a caring tone to it. Just like her sisters, although Kayli's was a litter sweeter sounding.

Griffin nodded. "I'll keep that in mind Kayli. Aunt Kayli..but uh, thanks for letting me come see Aslan."

Speaking of Aslan, the kid hasn't released his hug. He was still holding onto Griffin as if he was Aslan's lifeline. It was sad yet heartwarming.

Sad because it's been a long time since Aslan has hugged him, yet heartwarming because Aslan seems to be doing better mentally.

Maybe this was a good idea. Getting him out of Cape Cod and away from the drama.

Well, of course it was a good idea, but you can definitely see the positive affect it had on Aslan.

Kayli looked over at Griffin with a sad smile. "I don't see why I should keep you two boys separated. After all, you are brothers, and I can sense that you're close brothers as well."

Griffin returned the sad smile. "Yeah. We are close. Aren't we bud?"

The blonde head nodded the best he could, considering he was still trapping Griffin in his hug, where the kids face was shoved up against his brother.

Kayli chuckled. "Let's head in boys, and feel free to bring your stuff in Griffin. I'll show you the spare room where you'll be staying."

At those words Aslan let go, and looked up at Griffin. His eyes were puffy, a clear indication that he'd been crying. "I can help carry stuff in!" Although, if the blonde was crying, Griffin wouldn't of been able to tell since his voice kept the positive and cheerful sounding tone. His eyes betraying his tone of voice.

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