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"Sid, please cuddle with me!" Avu whined for  9873451th for the day

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"Sid, please cuddle with me!" Avu whined for  9873451th for the day.

"Baby I am working!" And Sid refused to cuddle with her for 9873451th time for the day, because he was working .

"Please Sid!" Avu whined again.

"Avu please try to understand, I am working!" Sid started getting frustrated.

"Siddddd!" Avu literally whined like a 5 year old.

"CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND. I AM WORKING. PLEASE STOP ANNOYING ME!" Sid lost his control. He shouted at her, banging his hand on table.

Avu stood there like a statue for few mins, when finally everything sinked in. She blinked her eyes a few times, before finally realising what just happened.

Tears started threatening to fall from her eyes.

While Sid immediately went back to work after shouting at her, after few mins of silence Avu finally said something "I... I a...m... Sorr... sorry... for.... anno.... annoying... you!" She finally managed to say .

Sid looked at her and realis ed what he just did!

Before he can say something, Avu immediately ran from there. Sid sat there holding his forehead "Ugh.... I hate myself... I just shouted at her, when I had promised I will never!" he pulled his hair out of frustration.

He thought to check on Avu, but stopped when he remembered about his work. "I will talk to Avu after completing this.... I want to talk to her now, but.... I am sorry Avu!" he started completing his file, even though he didn't want to.


/After 1 hour/

"Finally , it's complete!" Sid said happily, closing his laptop. He stood up and stretched his body.

"I should go to Avu now!" he moved to their room. He was going to open the door , when it just busted open on his face.

"Ouch!" he held his nose which just got hit by the door. He looked at his front and saw it was Avu, I mean it will obviously be her.

He observed her face, her eyes and nose were red, her lips were dried,her cheeks was tear stained. He felt bad seeing her like this. He just want to bang himself on the door right now for making her love cry.

Avu, who was just staring back at Sid till now, started leaving. But Sid held her wrist , Avu looked at her wrist "Avu, I am really sorry. I di--" he didn't got the chance to complete his sentence as Avu snatched her hand away from his grip and left from there.

Sid just stood there ,"Ugh.. I so hate myself!".

Avu went to kitchen, Sid followed her. She went to the fridge to look for something to drink.

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