❝[Why you left me?]❞

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"We are so sorry to inform you that our soldier Avneet kaur is no more

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"We are so sorry to inform you that our soldier Avneet kaur is no more. We are so sorry for her lost. Her contribution will always be remembered. Jai hind"

It's been a year, exactly a year since he got that call. Everything changed after he got that call. He changed,his life changed and most importantly his smile changed.

"You... You had promised me that you will never leave me... Then why... Why you left me like this!?" he cried out hugging Avu's pic.

He miss her, his love of life, his wife. Was it easy for him to except that the person whom he loves the most left him? Dude, obviously not.

When he got to know that Avu is no more, he believed it's a lie, his Avu hadn't gone anywhere. Until not he saw his dead body , which broke him in like trillion pieces.

"I love you so much Sid! Will you be my boyfriend?" ... "Do you think I can deny you. Hell yes I will be your boyfriend. I love you too!"

Remembering those day when Avu had proposed him in front of whole college, break him more.

"I love you Avu and will keep loving you till my last breath!" his tears fell on Avu's pic he was holding.

"Ahh Avu I am sorry" he tried to ran from his beloved girlfriend. "You bastard how you dare to flirt with another girl!" Avu shouted running behind him with slippers in her hand. "I am sorry Avu---" and before he can complete his sentence ,boom, he received a flying slipper on his leg. "Oww that hurts Avu!" he said groaning in pain. "Shut up before you get another one!" she said taking her another slipper. "No no I am sorry!"

He laughed a little remembering those days. He smiled through his tears. "You remember Avu how we used to fight like childs. People used to say we can't be boyfriend girlfriend!" he laughed a little.

"You remember that right na Avu!?" he asked to Avu's..... pic.

"Yah why you dragged me out of cafeteria like that?" Avu asked Sid once they reached near their locker room where no one else was present. "Because that bastard was clinging on you like a koala. Don't you saw that!?" Sid said angrily. "Aish.. Don't you get jealous so much?" Sid pinned her to locker and looked right in her eyes. "Yes I get jealous because you are mine and no one can come that close to you . Understood!?" Avu gulped because of their closeness and nodded. Sid smirked "Why are you so nervous babygirl?". " Me? N-no I-I a-am not ner-nervous!" she said stammering and Sid chuckled at her. "No need to be nervous babygirl I will not do anything without your consent!" he said and kissed her forehead. Avu smiled and hugged him.

"You are still mine Avu and will be forever!" he said as he kissed the pic.

"Avuuuuu!" he shouted as he tried come out of grip of the men who were holding him. "Sid don't worry I will handle them!" Avu said who herself was in grip of two strong men. "Huh! You will handle us? Look at you . You are girl.You can't do nothing to me!" one men said laughing. And that's it. Avu kicked one of the men on waist and the other men on the place where sun doesn't shine and they fell on floor groaning. Before boss can understand anything she went to him and punched him right on his face and he also fell on floor. Avu grabbed his gun from ground and pointed it towards the men who were holding Sid. "Leave him.. Leave him or I will shot your boss!" she said pointing the gun towards boss. "Leave him!" the boss said and they left Sid immediately. Avu ran to Sid and hugged him "You ok?" Sid asked and she nodded. "Don't try to move!" Avu said still pointing the gun towards their boss . Just then police arrived and arrested them. "Are you fine Sid!?" Avu asked. "Yes my girl just because of you. My strong girl!"

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