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"Ahh you are so cute"

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"Ahh you are so cute"

Cute, cute , cute!! Tf! Don't he know I am as same age as of him. Why can't he say I am sexy or something..... Today, I will show him , I can also be sexy and intimidating.

Avu watched Sid leaving the living room and smirked to herself.


"Avu! Where are you?" Sid tried searching for his girlfriend "Avuuu!"

"I am in bedroom!" Avu shouted from their shared bedroom. Sid walked towards their room.

He opened the door and steeped in. "Where are you?" Asked Sid as he didn't saw her inside the room. "Ahh here!" Avu said coming out of her closet.

Sid looked at her and oh-

Shocked will be underrated word! He was beyond shocked. He never saw Avu wearing something like this, so he couldn't help but get surprised at what he was seeing right now.

"Oh yep Sid, so as you remember I have a dancing competition next week. So I thought to practice the dance with the outfit I am gonna wear for competition!"

"You are gonna wear this for your competition?" Sid asked getting surprised, again and pointing at Avu's dress.

"Yeah! Why not?" Avu asked checking herself in the mirror. "Umm.. Nothing!" Sid said but the truth was he was feeling very uncomfortable just from the thought of anyone else seeing her wearing that dress.

Don't get him wrong , he is just little protective towards her and thinking about her wearing a sleeveless crop top with the shortest shorts just don't sound that good to him. But wait that doesn't means he will stop her from wearing that, she can whatever she want , it's totally her choice.

"So I am gonna start . Can you watch me and tell if I am doing any mistake?!" Avu said searching the song, she is going to perform, on her phone.

Sid nodded and sat on bed. Avu kept her phone on the night stand table and pressed the play button. She came and stood in the middle of room. The song 'Fever' started playing. (a/n- it's a kpop song , sang be group known as Enhypen.... Told just in case y'all want to check 😅)

Sid hadn't had thought that seeing his girlfriend just dancing will be this hard. Avu was putting on the sexiest steps she could and Sid couldn't help but get turn on.

He was feeling so hot and was just praying the song to end and fortunately the song ended soon then he expected.

"So how was it?" Avu asked after standing straight and looking at Sid. "Umm.. I-it was g-great!" It would be lie if he said that he actually watched her steps and not her ass which was hugged tightly by her shorts.

"For real!?" Sid looked at Avu and nodded.

Seems like my plan worked.

Avu smirked to herself which didn't go unnoticed by Sid.

Avu walked to get her phone from nightstand but she didn't noticed Sid coming beside him until she felt his hand slip around her waist.

"So you did that on purpose?" Avu tried playing innocent. "What?"

"Don't act innocent baby! I know you danced on that song wearing this fit on purpose. Didn't you?" Asked Sid whispering in her ear which didn't failed to send shivers down her body.

"And what if I did?" she asked turning her face a little bit so she can see his face. "You will regret saying that babygirl!"

"Is that so? Then I am ready to regret" Avu said turning herself completely so she can face Sid.

"I tried controlling myself so much but guess I can't do it anymore!" Sid said pushing Avu on bed. He came on top of her and pressed his lips on her soft plumpy lips.

He licked her bottom lip asking her to open her mouth but Avu refused and kept her mouth closed. Sid smirked in kiss and slid his hand to her ass and slapped it tightly , it made Avu moan which Sid took as a opportunity to slid his tongue inside her mouth. He kept his tongue inside her mouth tasting every inch of her mouth.

They broke the kiss and Sid didn't wasted a second and started covering her neck with wet kisses and hickeys. The room was filled with smooching sounds and Avu's moans. Soon their clothes were found discarded on the floor.....


"So you really gonna wear that outfit for competition? I mean I don't have any probl-"

"Of course I am not gonna wear that Sid. I just wore that so that I can seduce you and look my plan my worked!" Avu smirked looking at Sid.

"You really did all of that on purpose?" Sid asked who was holding Avu in his arms right now while caressing her hair. "Yeah! Because you always say I am cute and all but I wanted to show you that I can be sexy and intimidating too!" Avu explained to her boyfriend.

"Oh,you are so cute!" Sid said ruffling her hair. Avu sighed and whispered to herself, "I did all this for WHAT?"


The idea of this os is inspired by the Jaywon os I read, sorry I couldn't remember the author name.

And sorry I didn't posted anything for long coz if you guys know I have my exams  going on rn... I have computer exam on Tuesday but I was getting bored so wrote this chapter... So don't forget to vote and comment, hehe!



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