❝ [Dare]❞

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"You have to ignore Sid for a day!"

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"You have to ignore Sid for a day!"

"Wait what?? NO NEVER... THE FUCK DUDE!"

"You said you will do any dare. Now, you can't back off, Avu!"

"Ugh I so hate you Anushka!"

"I love you too babes!"

"You bitch!" Avu started running behind Anu. "Ahh save me!" Anu ran away from her. "Rii, save me!" she said as she saw her boyfriend entering the room.

"You both will never change!" Riyaz face palmed himself. "Stop, stop!" he came in between Anuneet. "Riyaz get aside, I will not leave this bitch today!" Avu said furiously.

"But what I did!? You were the one who said you will do anything, and now you are only backing off. I didn't did anything!" Anu hugged Riyaz from back. "She is right, I was also there, you had said you will do any dare!" Riyaz held Anu's hand which was on his waist.

"YAH OBVIOUSLY YOU WILL TAKE SIDE OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Avu gave her eyes a roll. "What's the dare by the way? !" Riyaz asked from Anu, ignoring what Avu said.

"That she have to ignore Sid for a day!"

"Wohaa.. That's hard... I don't think Avu will be able to do it!" Riyaz smirked. "Are you challenging me!?" Avu raised her eyebrows. "I am just saying you wouldn't be able to do it!"

"You know. I CAN FUCKING DO IT... AND I WILL DO IT!" Avu furiously left Rinushka's apartment.

"Did she just accepted the challenge!?" Riyaz asked unbelievably. "I guess so!" Anu said with with wide eyes.


Ugh why I accepted that shitty challenge??? I can't even ignore him for a second, how am I supposed to ignore him for a FUCKING  DAY!!! Ok gurl calm down... You had accepted the challenge and now you can't back off....

She opened the door of Sid and her's apartment. "You back!?" Sid who was working on computer immediately asked as soon as he saw her entering. But Avu didn't replied anything and went to her room.

What happened to her!?

After sometime Avu came out of her room and saw Sid cooking something.

"I am cooking pancakes. Wanna eat!?" Sid asked as soon as he saw Avu. But Avu ignored his question.

She is acting weird. Is she on her periods!? No, last week only she had got her periods... Then what's the matter with her!?

Sid prepared the pancakes and took them to Avu. "Here!" he said keeping the plate in front of Avu, who was  currently laying on sofa and was using her phone.

Avu glanced at Sid ,then at pancake and then went back to her phone.Sid took  some pancake in a spoon and kept it in front of her mouth. She looked at the spoon, "Aaaaaa!" he gestured her to open mouth.

But she pushed his hand away and got up from sofa and again went to her room. Sid sighed.

What the fuck happened to her?

He also went in her room and saw her laying on bed. He went and laid down beside her. "Avuuu!" he said nudging her but she just ignored him. "Avu!" he got up and sat straight. "Why are you ignoring me!? Do you have any problem!? Is there anything budging you!? You know you can tell me right!?" he said but Avu didn't replied , just kept looking at him with straight face.

"Why don't you tell me , why are you ignoring me like this!?" he stared directly into her eyes, while his own eyes started getting watery,"Is this your way to break up with me!?" he completed.

Avu got up finally , "Aye why you crying!?" she wiped his tears, but he didn't stopped crying. "Aww my baby" she sat on his lap and hugged him, keeping his hade on her chest.

"Stop crying sidooooooo!"

"Why were you ignoring me!?" he said after he calmed down a bit. "Uhh... Actually.... "Avu started.


"Actually... It was a dare by Anu and Ri!" she said chuckling, nervously. Sid completely stopped crying after hearing this. When he didn't said anything for long, Avu broke the hug "what happened!?" she asked.

He didn't said anything and turned his face to other side. Avu cupped his cheeks and made him look at her.

"You angry!? ... I am sorry!" she said pouting, but Sid didn't replied. "I am sorry naa!" she said and pecked his lip.

"And I thought you are going to break up with me!" Sid said pouting. "I am sorry!" she said making puppy face. "Promise, you will never do this something like this?"

"I promise!" she smiled brightly.

~~The end~~

Sorry again it's a cliche 😅

Hope you all liked it!🥺

Thanks for reading



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