chapter 47

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- Mitch

Me and Ashley where just hanging around at the kitchen talking about the wedding.



"Mitch can you turn me into a vampire aswell?"


"Why not?"

"I don't want to hurt you."

"I want it Mitch I want to be with you."

"I'm not doing it."

"Why not? Do you want me to die someday?"

"It should be like that."

"You just want to live on without me or what?" She started yelling now.

"No Ashley that's not it."

"Then what is it? Am I not good enough?"


"It's like you don't want me with you."

"No Ashley. I'm afraid I'll kill you." I yell holding her shoulders.

"I'm afraid I'll kill you." I wispered.

"I can't lose you like that." She put her hand on mine.

"I trust you Mitch."

"I don't trust myselve."

"Winke did it with ease."

"She's older. Please Ash I would never forgive myselve if that happend." She sighed.

"Please Mitch."

"I'm sorry maybe one day but not now." She nodded.


"Hey don't think I don't love you." I say wrapping my arms around her in a hug. She did aswell.

"If I could I would turn back and grow old with you, get children everything a normal person would do. I love you Ashley don't let anyone or anything tell you different."

"One part is still possible I think." She stated.

"And what might that be?" She kissed me passionatly and slightly tugged at my shirt. I pulled back.

"Do you really wanna do this in the middel of the day?"

"Jerome and Winke are out we have some time." She smirked. As a response I just connected our lips again... You know what happend next!

Well I fount this really funny page on facebook called minion quotes the pic I attached comes from there. You should check it out if you haven't already it's hilarious! Well see ya all laterz xx

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