Chapter 25 - The Realm of Ridinariyo

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3rd Person's POV:

The five of them were engulfed by a strong light making their visions go blind for a second.

As lian had expected, the gate was located from the bottom of the boiling hot lava.

Once the light had cleared out, lian returned the etherealian emblem back to his chest and helped the beastmen to stand up.

Blizzard: What the... Where are we? Hey! Lian what the heck did you just do?

Lian: Sorry, I guess I should've gave you a warning before jumping into the lava pit.

Zeus: Hey lian.. I think you might wanna look at this.

Lian: Huh?

His eyes widened.

Looking forward, they saw a kingdom from afar, half of the buildings were set to fire, others were destroyed into bits and pieces.

Max: There seems to be a battle going on in there.

Lian: Let's move out!

With lian's orders, the beastmen equipped their weapons and rushed towards the said kingdom.

Lian: Save the villagers and help the soldiers, that's my first order!

Max: Copy that!

Zeus: Understood!

Shadow: Mhm.

Blizzard: Got you leader!

After their leader's order has been given, they all propelled themselves into the clouded sky and ambushed the huge creatures.

Blizzard: Let me give you a taste of a "Glacious Disaster!"

As Blizzard let the incantation slip out of his tounge, a huge amount of freezing beam blasted off of his hands, the beams hit the beast which encased them all in ice.

Once they were unable to break free, blizzard spun his scythe in one of his hand skillfully as the blade tip of it enlarged and sliced the beast into two.

Blizzard: Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!

With the beast's body being trapped in ice, it didn't allow itself to regenerate thus fully killing it and made it explode into thin ashes.

Blizzard: Who's next?!

Blizzard taunted the other remaining beasts, unbeknownst to him, a uni-beast suddenly appeared from the sky falling behind him.

The red beastmen had noticed a huge shadow engulfing his which made him turn around to have a look.

Blizzard: Uh-oh.

Before the uni-beast had landed, blizzard made a few backflips away from it to give both him and the creature some distance.

Blizzard: Planning a sneak attack eh? Not so fast! "Blinding Cold!"

Blizzard aimed his palm right at the uni-beast's eyes, a bright azure glow emitted from his hands thus blasting a beam that shot the uni-beast preventing it from using it's sight to see him.

He once again swung his scythe as he jumped higher up to the clouds.

Blizzard: Get ready to die! "Unforgiving Winter!"

With his skill casted aloud, the blade of the scythe pulsed with a bright blue light, he then propelled himself towards the beast and in just a blink of an eye, he swung the scythe right at the uni-beast, a line can be seen to form right on it's stomach part.

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