Bad Reputation

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After what felt like eternity, Johnny tore his gaze away from mine and cleared his throat while untangling from me. I stood up as well and straightened my shirt a little.

"I guess now we're even." I said, breaking the silence.

"When did I owe you?" he asked puzzled and I only chuckled.

"Figure it out" I replied and he rolled his eyes, shaking his head while muttering something like "unbelievable".

I smiled but then suddenly remembered that I was supposed to call Elsie. I cursed under my breath and went straight for my phone, dialing her number. Oh, she's gonna be so mad.

"What happened?" Johnny asked concerned, stepping closer.

"I forgot to call my agent. She's been calling me like a hundred times since yesterday. I might be in big trou- Hey, Elsie" I said sweetly but I had to hurriedly put my phone away from my ear, when I heard yelling on the other side. I looked over at Johnny who held the same expression as me.

I scooted my phone closer again and heard her clearing her throat. "I'm sorry. But we still need to talk"  I motioned Johnny that I'll be back in a while and he nodded. I went to the corridor through kitchen and continued the phone call.

"Elektra, why on earth did you sneak out of the party? Also, let's don't forget, with Johnny Depp? Johnny freaking Depp! You had one job, to just sit there for a while, and now I find out you were strolling around the city with him, at midnight." I know it probably is bad, but I felt a rush of excitement at how it sounded. Like you were a teenager again, doing something you weren't supposed to do, but your parents can't do anything about it anymore. Pure freedom.

"Yeah, sorry about that. This party was just boring, and Johnny thought so too. "

"Listen, I'm not as mad about you running off, as I am about leaving with him. You know about all the stuff that came up recently." I frowned. Why did it matter?

"That's why I shouldn't hang out with him?"

"Elektra, you two have 'probably dating' opinion on media, not mentioning that his ex-wife just claimed that he abused her!" she raised her voice a little.

"This one's not true," I argued.

"Even if you do believe that, still, can you get shown with him less? Just until the interest of the media will disappear. Your up-building career called for me to pass this on to you." she said, calmer now, and I sighed. I felt that it was about something more than career now.

"But, he's kind of the reason why I am having one, isn't he?" I asked, a little confused.

"Yes, but once you're getting more known, everybody only waits for what you're gonna do next. After some time they even forget why they know you." she answered and I instantly felt that she's right.

"Just think about that, okay?" I agreed.

We said goodbyes and hung up. Should I take seriously what she has told me? I know it's important for me to form some sort of reputation now, but I don't want to do this at Johnny's expense. I hate the idea of choosing, because of the thing he didn't do. He is one of the people, where when you meet, something clicks and fits right. You don't find these people often.

On the other side, I know that every time we get photographed together, it affects how I'm perceived out there. And always, since I started, I wanted to make a career on my own. That's why I sorta didn't like being my dad's daughter. Maybe Elsie was right? Only until the interest will go down.

I went back to the kitchen and saw Johnny looking at the random stuff on my bookshelves in the living room. He noticed me and I smiled. He has also changed into his black shirt from yesterday.

"How'd it went?" he asked.

"Not bad, not bad," I replied. "I can still walk as a free woman."

He chuckled but at the same time his phone vibrated and 'ding' ed. He checked it quickly and started:

"Listen, I'm sorry I have to leave so soon, but Jerry just called me saying that I have a few things planned for today."

"But you haven't even eaten anything yet!" I protested and he looked at me with these goddamn doe eyes, that said he really was sorry.

"I'll make it up to you." He replied, grabbing his jacket. He smiled looking at my puzzled face. Did he just ask me out?

"Sure" I mumbled, forgetting instantly about what I've been thinking earlier. I walked him to the door. I leaned on the wall, watching Johnny put on his shoes.

He was about to head out when suddenly he turned around one last time.

"Thank you for, uh, believing. Not many people do this these days." he said, looking at the floor and then into my eyes.

The way he said it made my heart warm up and I only could smile widely like some serial killer or whatever. He also smiled, but beautifully, and we said our goodbyes.


Heey guys, I really wanted to thank everyone for the support, you have no idea how much it means to me 💓

I'm planning to make things little more interesting, hope you'll like it.

Thank you for reading <33
Hope you enjoy 🌼

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