The Start Of An End

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almost a month later

"Yeah, I'm sorry we're leaving so early, but El has a terrible headache. It's better if we head home." Johnny said as I locked our arms.

"Migraine," I added quietly, apology written in my eyes.

"No, no, that's fine. Take care of her, Johnny." Wayne softly replied, honestly believing him and I.

"Okay, thanks. See you around!" Johnny said once more before we exited and made our way to the car. He opened the door and let me go in first.

So, I actually didn't have the headache. It was just an excellent play of ours to head home earlier, since none of us was in the mood to participate in a fancy type of farewell.

It's not like I didn't like the people, but we've already said goodbye yesterday on set, and today was only a formality. I'm sure it's not gonna last until late night hours, and all we're missing is champagne and a bit of boredom.

Ah, I forgot to mention.

We're done with shooting the movie.

I can't believe it went by so fast, and yet I've spent here almost three months. A lot of things happened in the meantime, but I'm glad some of them took place, even if they made me feel not so great.

Johnny was there, always. And I mean it, I could talk to him anytime, and I nearly felt guilty for sharing so much. I realized it only recently.

He put so much effort in helping me. Really helping, and by now he knows mostly everything about me, smallest details of how my brain works. There was no one else in who's presence I felt more comfortable, and I think it goes both ways. For the past few weeks we grew even closer, if that's possible.

He, however, now had his mind wrapped on the allegations, his lawyers and some more allegations. I could sometimes see in his eyes how exhausted he was, and I just wish he could take a little vacation from all of this.

Instead of staying at the party, me and Johnny decided to organize our last movie night on our last night living in the iconic trailers, in Vancouver. We're going back to New York tomorrow, and we won't be flying here again. I just can't comprehend such a change. It's sad, even.

After a while of driving we went first to Johnny's trailer so he could change into something more comfortable, and then finally to my place. It was about 8pm, and since it's May already it's still bright outside.

"I can't believe all of this is over. God, I find it so hard to leave things behind sometimes." Johnny said as we were preparing snacks.

"Me too! I thought about it all day today." I replied. "Hey, different subject but, you have the gig tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, it's actually in the same bar we first met."

My mouth fell a little open. "No way! I guess now I have to be there and watch you play."

"Oh, I'd rather be out there watching you, but sure." he answered, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and we went to the sorta living room area. I found it a bit bad that Johnny won't be able to even rest from the jet lag yet and he has to go and play. Though I don't think he even minds, he loves doing it and he'll sacrifice a lot for it. Sleeping counts in.


My eyes suddenly started hurting and closing by themselves, and the final look at the clock to see it's almost 2 in the morning was it for me. I decided it's time to turn off Good Will Hunting and go to sleep or we won't be able to wake up for the plane. Though it's Johnny's private plane, so I think we actually can be late.

I paused the movie and was about to talk to Johnny, when I realized he's asleep.

He dozed off while resting his head on my thighs. I mindlessly played with his hair the whole time, and even though I felt him shiver a few times and sigh contently, a thought of him falling into a deep nap haven't crossed my mind. Actually, I don't think it's just a nap. By the way he held to my thigh and his breathing slow and careful, I'm not afraid to say he could sleep here through the entire night.

I couldn't help but stare at how the TV and few close candles lighted his face.

He is so beautiful.

How could anyone hurt him?

Fuck how cheesy this sounds, but he looks so fragile and innocent while laying there, in the deserved rest and the most peaceful sleep ever. It felt like a crime to wake him up, but it was needed as I didn't want him to not be able to move his neck tomorrow, and me to not be able to straighten up after half-sitting on this uncomfortable but lovely piece of furniture.

"Johnny, sweetheart, wake up for a second." I said in half-whisper, caressing his hair.

He took a deep breath, like people who just woke up do, but he still hadn't opened his eyes.


Oh god, someone hold me down here because I feel like I'm about to explode. Why did he have to say it so sweetly???

"We're going to bed."

"Bed?" he asked. Oh, he's still definitely asleep.


He sit up and I think noticed that he dozed off on my thighs. He rubbed his eye while fighting to keep them both open.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled mindlessly.

"You're sorry for falling asleep?"

"Yeah. You couldn't even get the snacks." he pointed to the table.

"It's alright Johnny."

"Wouldn't be alright with me." he replied and I giggled. Oh man, talking with a 75% still asleep Johnny could be the thing I'll do for the rest of my life.

I cleaned up and put down all the candles, lastly turning off the TV. We made it to the bed, and I decided to put Johnny to sleep
and then go brush my teeth and wash my face.

He laid down and brought the sheets up until they covered his neck. He looked too sweet not to give him a goodnight kiss on the forehead, and so I did.

Then something very weird happened, a mystery I couldn't solve for a long time.

I got caught up in looking at his face for a bit right after the kiss, but when I was finally about to go away, he mumbled something. It was quiet and even though I faced him, I couldn't understand what he said.

However, one thing that sticked to my mind was that, I guess, I read his lips at the moment, just looking at them. I guess, because all I could make out of it and the first thing that came to my mind was that he mouthed 'elephant juice'.

It was so strange. What do you mean elephant juice? Does something like this even exist? Maybe he is dreaming? Yup, he's probably dreaming of elephant juice.

He fell asleep again and I shrugged my shoulders. I'm too sleepy to think about it. Maybe tomorrow.


Thank you for reading <3
I hope you enjoy 🌺

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