Jack Kerouac

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"And the truck left, threading its way through the crowds, and nobody paying attention to the strangeness of the kids inside the tarpaulin, staring at the town like babes from a coverlet. I watched it disappear into the night." I read softly and not too loudly, afraid to disturb the other sorta quiet surrounding us.

I looked down to see Johnny's eyes closed, the mess of his black hair sprawling across my thighs. I watched him sigh contently as my fingers kept dancing around his dark strands, caressing and playing with it gently.

Deducing from his chest rising up and down so, so peacefully, I think he's fallen asleep. I'm not surprised though, actually my own biggest weakness is someone messing with my hair. I'm literally able to doze off in few minutes.

Yet, I couldn't tear my gaze away from his face, or rather his whole head resting on my thighs.

Quickly of how we got to be how we are. We were getting kinda bored, as you may do on a 8 hour flight to Vancouver, so we decided to read On The Road by Jack Kerouac, for like a hundredth time already.

In order to do that, we moved to a private space on Johnny's plane, to the back of it where none of the security nor other people on the board were. I never really thought planes can be so cool.

A perfectly comfortable, white leather couch seemed to be residing here, and so our trait of thinking seems to be pretty predictable. I ended up sitting on one of the ends, and Johnny laying his head on my thighs, with one of his legs resting along the couch while the other one was chilling up on the backrest. He occasionally played with his fingers or bracelets when listening to my turn of reading, and for the most of the time his eyes remained closed. I felt glad I could do something to relax him, especially in times like these.

That's why I didn't want to make even a smallest move, because even with how cringy it sounds, he literally slept like a baby. I feel like I could become a villain in this story just by waking him up.

He lightly turned his head to his left, means facing me, eyes still closed, and I decided to move my hand more to the top of the back of his neck. He sighed again.

I marked the page by folding the corner of the paper (yes, very bad), and rested it on my knee after closing. I loved reading with someone, and I loved it even more when with Johnny. I guess it has this sort of intimacy that other things just don't. Like eating french fries on your living room carpet in the middle of the night with someone dear to you, that kind of intimacy.

I stared at all the necklaces spread on his chest that were visible thanks to the kind of V-cut t-shirt he wore. I followed along to his shoulders, the shirt seeming like it could barely fit his arms.

Apart from growing his hair back, he's gained a whole lot of weight throughout these two months, so now he looked like the complete opposite of few weeks ago, back then at the music video filming. Adding the fact that he also had to work out (at least) twice a day at the gym to get in shape for playing Richard, it wasn't hard to imagine how suddenly all of his shirts and t-shirts became somewhat smaller, contrasting his chest and toned torso. That's a nice view, though. Sending chills.

I think that mentally he's doing a lot better, too, than he was when he got the news of not playing Captain Jack Sparrow again. I didn't receive any more of the middle-of-the-night calls, and haven't I once seen him the kind of drunk he was the other night. Instead, he wanted to talk to me once or twice, needing to just communicate with somebody 'cause he didn't wanna hold it all inside. You can't imagine how proud I am of him.

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