Lust Is A Funny Thing

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Jack and I exited the car, making our way to Maxine's door. I could tell the small party already started from the amount of cars present on the little parking lot in front of her house, and I felt kinda bad that I haven't been here first, like I probably should have. I mean, she's my best best friend.

Unfortunately I had a meeting that suddenly came up earlier in the day, and I just couldn't say no. It's a secret I'm keeping, but I want to write a book and let it go out in the world, and the person I was meeting with was the publisher. We talked for over an hour about the details, and I am soon to be signing a contract. I am so happy and excited and not able to brush off that shit-eating grin from my face.

Nothing changed since teenage me decided she wants to be a writer, except the fact that things had gone a little sideways, though it's good to be chasing again the first dream I ever had.

I still had to tell Johnny and everyone else, but I'm not sure if I wanna do it on the party. I mean, it's Maxine's birthday and I don't want to steal it away.

I noticed Johnny's car was here, too, and you know that weird feeling when you see or think about something and it just switches on the endorphins in your brain? It feels like your soul
or even heart is happy and relieved because of the fact.

I had it when I realized I'm about to see Johnny.

He makes me so happy it's insane, and knowing that I'll see him after two busy days where we both had something to do and couldn't hang out with each other was just- indescribable.

I opened the door without ringing - it's basically my second home so I always just go in like it's my own - and was immediately met with the sounds of chatting coming from the living room.

I just took off my shoes when suddenly my heart jumped, seeing how aware-of-nothing Johnny left the saloon with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He probably was on his way to the little porch outside, near the front door, to smoke it.

"Without me?"

I asked and watched him raise his head as he looked earlier at his hands trying to find any lighter in his pocket, and his face told me nothing other than surprise. Then he looked glad. Relieved maybe.

He approached me and did the hottest thing there is to do. He cupped both of my cheeks and tilted up my head so he could kiss me, but the kiss was just- Ugh, I had to ignore that fire in my lower belly which suddenly blew up.

He kissed me somewhat deeply, making my eyes flutter close and a horrible blush spread across my face.

God, he knows how to kiss a girl.

Jack politely removed himself from the situation somewhere in the middle, leaving us alone. I knew there were people here that I've never met, and I was a little bit scared someone could walk on on us, but as much as I was anxious, Johnny could let it disappear with yet another kiss placed on my lips.

We eventually went to where everyone was and I greeted them, including the gals I didn't know, but I guessed they were Maxine's friends that she told me so much about.

Maxine herself smirked smugly, noticing how Johnny's hand rested on my lower back as we entered the room.

Nobody else seemed to pay much attention to that fact. Good.

It was quite a pleasant atmosphere as we all talked and laughed, and I found myself in a group full of really cool and funny people. I wasn't surprised, though, I knew Maxine wasn't hanging out, let alone inviting to her birthday party, just random personages.

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