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Chapter 28: plans ruined?

"Well hello to you too" Jaehyun sweetly whispered to the stranger, stranger for you but for him...it's a special someone.

The stranger turned around and widened his eyes, "Jaehyun...I- how- what- how did you know it was me?" the guy asked, suddenly putting on his mask, it took him to realize what he had done, he face-palmed himself in stupidity.

He should've kept his mask on. Like a good assassin.

"Oh Taeyong" Jaehyun chuckled, he took and placed the glass of wine on a nearby pillar and held the older's hand, "did queen Flora send you here?" he asked.

Taeyong got his hand back and cleared his throat, "yes, who else would send me?" he tried to sound strong in front of the man but failed when Jaehyun smirked at him, oh how he falls for those too easily.

"I don't know...maybe you just want to follow me here and be my partner for the night"

"What- woah! What the hell?!" Taeyong was taken to the dance floor, Jaehyun placed his mask on and did the same to Taeyong, he held the boy by the back and intertwined his other hand with his, he took one step forward and one step back, now waltzing with the boy.

"Jaehyun, what are you doing? You know I don't dance" Taeyong shouted in a whisper, he was embarrassed because he was bumping into different guests.

"Oh?" Jaehyun laughed, "but I am here dancing with you, don't worry, just stick close to me and feel the music" he said and danced slowly with his partner.

Taeyong had no other choice but do what Jaehyun wants him to do, "you know I was sent here to spy on the event, right? I didn't come here to dance"

"But isn't this nice? You are in the middle of the room with me, you have eyes on every corner and you have me by your side" Jaehyun teased, showing his smile at the older.

Taeyong for once, laughed, he placed his hands behind the younger's neck and smiled back, he closed his eyes and sighed, "well I guess you are right...when will I ever experience these types of things again anyways" he said and continued to dance.

"You know, Helianthus has the best spellbooks in all of the nations," Jaehyun suddenly said out of the blue.

"What?" Taeyong said, acting like he's not excited to read them, "and what will I do with that information?"

"Oh please Tae, we both know you study magic in your freetime" the boy said, playfully glaring at the older.

"H-how did you know? I've always been private about it" Taeyong said in worry.

"I have heightened senses and also...I catch you in the library like every night, sitting outside with a bunch of spell books around you." Jaehyun admitted, chuckling.

"Please do not tell anyone about this, I beg you...It's only something we both should know"

"Don't worry about it, I won't tell anyone" Jaehyun smiled, "well, should I take you to the library then?" he offered as Taeyong suddenly smiled widely.

"Yes please! I mean...yes Jaehyun, take me there" He cleared his throat and acted dominant.

Jaehyun couldn't help but to laugh at him, he pinched his cheeks and held his hand, "god you're so cute, let's go- donghyuck? DONGHYUCK!"


"And how come I never knew you came for the party?" Sunoo said, crossing his arms, flipping his invisible long hair.

"Relax blondie, I came here for the food and not you" Niki rolled his eyes and got more pastries from the table, leaving Sunoo to pout.

"Oh come on, be honest, you came here for me, huh?" Sunoo teased, holding the sides of his cloak as he waddled like a child to Niki.

Niki looked at him in amusement, he nodded slowly and took a bite of his donut, "perhaps" was all he said and left.

"Wait for me" Sunoo giggled and got a donut too, he walked with Niki inside the ballroom, making sure to use his manners when he met someone familiar.

"Your fit for tonight looks nice, I kind of like it." Niki said, eyeing Sunoo's outfit, he saw a bit of powder at the side of Sunoo's face and decided to wipe it off, "your welcome" he said after cleaning it.

"Oh yeah, I've been wondering" Sunoo placed his donut on Niki's plate and thought of something, "do you want to maybe go to the cliff I've been talking about?" he asked as Niki tilted his head.

"Cliff? Why? Are you going to push me to my death"

"Tempted but no" Sunoo said and laughed, "it's because it's nighttime and I know the stars are shining tonight"

Niki shrugged, what can he do? He basically does what Sunoo tells him to do, "fine whatever but you owe me a lot of donuts when we come back" he pointed his finger to the boy who only nodded in approval.

"Yay! Okay let's go!" Sunoo grabbed his hand immediately, Niki wasn't able to put down his plate because of the sudden rush Sunoo made.

When they were about to reach the door leading outside, a bruised Donghyuck came bursting in, his suit was dirty and his cloak was shredded, he looked like he came back from a fight. Sunoo was worried when his brother's eyes were flashing yellow, he knew something was wrong with him.

"H-hyung?" he said in worry.

"DONGHYUCK!" he heard Jaehyun running to them.

Sunoo's eyes widened when he saw an incoming spear approaching them only for Jaehyun to deflect it back, everyone inside gasped when the locals started swarming the place.

"That man named Donghyuck is an ascendant, he needs to be killed!!" 

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