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Chapter 39: Sicheng talks to the dead (?)

Sicheng stood in front of the alive tanned male, his eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing. The prince of Helianthus is alive, he looks different though. His hair was in a hue of goldish brown, a suit that had gold lines traced on the sown spots of his costume and also, he didn't fail to recognize his fingertips that were glowing like yellow glow sticks.

"How?" Sicheng asked, his face was unexplainable.

Donghyuck only let out a chuckle and walked close to Mark's cousin, "Well, ever since that night I left earth, I thought I would really die but- Woah!" Sicheng rushed to the smaller boy and went for a hug but instead, he met the grass. He rotated his body and recognized that the tanned male was only somehow made out of glitters.

"Wait...you're not real?" he asked, pointing to the yellow dust that soon reformed back to Donghyuck's body.

Donghyuck shook his head and shrugged, he placed his hands at the back of him and admired Helianthus, "I still I am, don't get me wrong...it's just that, if I ever come back to this world...I have to become the sun ascendant." he explained only a little which made Sicheng confused.

"Wait, where are you? And not to sound weird or anything but did you sneak out or break free from someone or something?" Sicheng asked another.

Donghyuck laughed, "I get a lot of chances from the guards to let me roam around the human world, I can also use my magic so it is pretty cool-"

"Wait, so were you behind the removal of the mind control Koeun implanted in me?"

Donghyuck nodded, "I want to help you be free so I did, and plus...you are the few people I could remember"

Sicheng sat properly and frowned, "what do you mean?"

"They took half of my memories away as punishment..." Donghyuck looked down and kicked a pebble that flew off the cliff.

"The only people I could only remember are you...Sunoo...dad...Niki...Taeyong and uhm...a few more"

Donghyuck's smile faded and he now sat down in front of Sicheng, "I could not do anything about it. I'm somehow stuck in this prison or some kind of court at least. It's this place for the mythical creatures or beings that died and never accepted their true destiny. I have to face consequences and admit all of my wrongs."

"But can you get out of there or can they like you know...give you a second chance?"

"This place I'm in, it's scarier than it looks. These scary-looking guards always keep an eye on everyone in the place and they won't hesitate to really kill you if you don't obey the rules. When I died, this guy with wings whom I knew later was the past sun ascendant took me to court and defended me from the judges, the judges said that I have two choices, it was either I will be stuck in my prison for eternity and never go to the afterlife...or I would accept myself as the sun ascendant and come back to earth, fully recovered and healthy."

"And what did you say?"

"Hmm...until now I don't know. It's difficult, really. Getting picked as a being capable of controlling the sun and not knowing whether to accept it or not...it's a tough choice. I think I can remember before I died...I'd get mental breakdowns a lot after the sun ascendant in me would try to escape. Guess what, I learned that the reason why those types of things happen is that I don't know how to control my magic pretty well and have low self-control, the past sun ascendant is pretty handy when it comes to information you know and when!-" Donghyuck stopped talking when he saw Sicheng's eyes all teary, "w-what's wrong? Did I say something unpleasant?" he asked.

"D-donghyuck...can you please come back here?" he asked, his voice cracking at the end, "ever since the royal family died and Sunoo locked up...Helianthus and Leones have been controlled by a woman who is too obsessed with your husband. Can you please just come back here and rescue us? We're in deep need, I don't know how Yuta and the others are doing but I bet they are making a really good plan on helping us too but hearing from you now that you have been given a second chance from those so-called judges, you have to accept it!" Sicheng cried.

"I don't know Sicheng-"

"Please Donghyuck, please!...do it for Mark!"

"Mark? Who is he?"

Sicheng's heart dropped, "w-what?" he stuttered.

Donghyuck had a sorry look on his face as he tilted his head to the side, "I-...uhm don't know him, I don't remember him, I'm sorry"

"He's your...husband..oh my god Donghyuck, no"

"I had a husband?" Donghyuck's expression was obviously shocked when he heard that, he tried to make up scenarios of him and his husband which he can't really picture the face of.

"Well you were about to get married till the masquerade ball happened and Mark's past girlfriend came back and basically invaded the entire kingdom, it's a messy story but...all you have to know now is that your own kingdom is in perish"

"Sicheng...I don't know, give me a moment too-"

The two boys flinched at the sound of wall bricks crumbling from the gates of Helianthus, Sicheng quickly stood up to check what was happening and Donghyuck did so too. Sicheng's eyes widened when he saw Yuta putting his katana back to his sheathe and telling his other guards to get inside the palace already.

Humming, Donghyuck patted Sicheng, "I guess you've got company...I best be going now" he said before turning his back.

"Wait Donghyuck!" Sicheng put his arm in front to stop the boy from leaving.


"Please, you have to do it"

Donghyuck bit his lips while looking down, he gazed at Sicheng's chocolate orbs and nodded.

"When the time is right, I'll come down as the Sun Ascendant"

"When the time is right, I'll come down as the Sun Ascendant"

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