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Chapter 29: hatred

"Haechan!!" Mark shouted, chasing Donghyuck who was running from the villagers that were willing to kill him. Mark stopped when he saw the tanned male stumbling on his footsteps, he then panicked and rushed to the male when the villagers caught him by the cloak and threatened their sharp objects right at his face.

Mark knew the villagers know now that Donghyuck is an ascendant.

"We cannot have a king who is a threat to our nation, an ascendant like you deserves to be killed, you should only exist in stories not in real life!" a man said, his pitchfork getting closer and closer towards Donghyuck's face.

Mark quickly pushed all of them out and raised his hands to stop them, "please stop this, he won't harm anyone, he knows how to control himself" he tried to reason.

"Stay out of our business prince Minhyung, this is Helianthus' business not Leones'" the man whom they assumed is the leader said, his voice was bold and deep, it scared the hell out of Mark.

"Still, he is good, he would not-"

"Lies!" someone shouted from the crowd, the people parted into two showing Koeun who strutted her way towards Mark and Donghyuck.

Mark looked back at Donghyuck with worried eyes, he felt sorry for Donghyuck for seeing all of those a while ago, he wanted to say sorry but now is not the right time. Donghyuck on the other hand didn't know what to do, he was just on the ground while looking back and forth from Mark to Koeun.

"Mark! Let him go! He is dangerous, I'm not...let's get married instead" Koeun tried to persuade the older but it didn't work.

Instead of agreeing, he furrowed his brows and balled his hands into fists, "you are the one who is dangerous here! You live in a place where dark magic is praised" everyone gasped, leaving Koeun speechless.

"But I don't use it for anything bad!"

"Shut the fuck up! I don't want you near me or this palace again! Get out!" Mark shouted, he gestured koeun to leave by pointing at the back of her.

Koeun didn't listen but only scoffed in disbelief, "I thought that a second chance might work" she whispered, "you leave me no choice Mark" her eyes glowed purple, pushing Mark away as she marched to Donghyuck who was in constant fear.

"I should've killed you myself when we first met!" She blasted once and Donghyuck was already thrown far back, the tanned male tried to get up and form his shields but Koeun blasted another, this time his cheeks hit the rocky ground first, bruising it. "You are even weak yourself! You don't know any techniques on how to block dark magic! You are never born to be part of royalty or take your father's throne!" with that said, she hurled a big amount of dark energy in both her hands as it lasered directly towards Donghyuck.

"P-please s-stop..." Donghyuck cried, she begged Koeun to spare her not because he doesn't want to fight her but because the growing fire of his ascendant self is unleashing, "y-you can marry Mark all you want but please spare me"

Koeun laughed, "and you think I'd- ah!" She was interrupted when sliced a part of her waist skin, she covered the bruise with her hand as she glared at Mark in anger, "stop interfering!" with only using one hand, she manipulated Mark's body to float in the air and slammed him on the ground.

"Mark! No!" Donghyuck shouted, he hurriedly stood up and threw a sphere at Koeun, sending her far away from them, the villagers gasped at how strong the tanned male was but he couldn't care less about their reactions right now.

"Mark? Mark!? Wake up! Hey, wake up! Please!" Donghyuck continuously shook the older's body, he also slapped his cheeks gently but there was no sign of Mark waking up right now. "Please wake up!"

"D-donghyuck...i'll protect.." Mark groaned, he could barely talk because every part of his body felt like it was crushed to death.

Donghyuck brushed his hair back as he watched the villagers slowly approach him with their weapons, his eyes watering and his nose becoming a little runny. He closed his eyes and put his hand on Mark's chest, whispering, "heal...please," as wisps of yellow magic flowed from his hands and entered Mark's body.

As the villagers charged at the younger who didn't want to fight, an army of royal guards stormed in, driving the villagers back. Sunghoon appeared a split second later on his horse, pointing his sword at the locals and looking back, "go!" he yelled as Donghyuck sprang to his feet and ran, leaving Mark lying there, safe in the grasp of Sunghoon and the royal guards.

As Donghyuck almost reached the ballroom, he started hearing the ground grumble, thorns erupted from the soil, blocking the path of the tanned male. This was all of Koeun's doing. He tried his best to get out of there in one piece even if he had to sacrifice his cloak to be torn, which is clearly happening now.

After passing those spiky obstacles, he heard the shouts and angry cries of the villagers swarming from the gates, high fences and some were able to pass the guards. He was really scared right now.

Bursting open the doors, Donghyuck caught everyone's eyes on him, his eyes were trying to find his younger brother to take him and fulfill his promise.

"Donghyuck?" he heard Jaehyun's voice, "DONGHYUCK?!" Jaehyun tackled the younger as a spear came flying down to the ground, everyone in the room panicked, they don't know what is happening right now.

"What is going on?" Jaehyun asked, standing up as he summoned his staff.

"Hyung?" Sunoo stared at Donghyuck with worried eyes.

Sunoo felt what his brother was telling him just by looking at his eyes and he couldn't help but to shake his head as a no.

The day he feared the most, is finally here. 


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