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Chapter 42: Assemble...?

"So all of you decided to barge into my kingdom and get the most important people in my land" Mark stood up and laughed, his words weren't from him but it was a linked message from Koeun. "Now, I come here in Faun to take back what's mine, whether it'd be bloodshed or not, I don't care"

"Enough!" Sunoo raised his hand and whirled it around, the white whiff of magic getting rid of the mind control around Mark.

"Taeyong, Sicheng and Yuta on me, Now!" Jaehyun ordered, "Niki and Jay, wait till Sunoo heals Sunghoon's wound. I'll give orders to all of you later." Jaehyun added as everyone nodded.

"What about him?" Niki pointed to Mark who was laying down on the ground.

Jaehyun went to Mark and checked on him, he kneeled down and checked his pulse, "He is breathing, but you need to keep an eye on him" he told Sunoo.

Sunoo nodded obediently, at this state. He was scared, some of Jaehyun's plans depended on him and he's not getting used to these types of things. But he stayed strong and just continued to fix the insides of Sunghoon. "Wait!" He stopped Jaehyun and the others from running, they all came back to him and asked what's wrong, "I'm putting a mind spell on all of you, just to resist any incoming dark magic that might corrupt your head...and also, a telepathy spell, so we can communicate to each other through our heads" he drew a spell and sent it to the other boy's temples.

'Can you hear me now?' Sunoo telepathically said.

'Yup we can,' Jaehyun answered.

'Dude, this is so cool!' Niki excitedly said that made Sunoo glare at him.

'It's like communication but with the use of your mind-'

'Focus, Everyone! thank you for that Sunoo...let's head forward' Jaehyun commanded.

Soon, they all left and that leaves Niki, Jay, and Sunoo to Sunghoon and a knocked out Mark.

"Swordsman! On me!" Jaehyun gestured to all the swordsmen from each building, the other troops gathering too. "Load all your weapons, the city will be under attack!" Taeyong swung from pole to pole and dashed to the other side of the building and called all his fellow assassins.

"Hunters, ready your bows!" Yuta instructed the head of the hunters to come to meet them at the open field.

"I need all the spellcasters of Faun to secure the palace with a powerful magic that could seal the city from the threat" Sicheng ordered and ran to the spellcasters division and told them to get ready for war.

Once the four main commanders of this war have done their job, everyone assembles in front of the gates of Faun where they meet the terrifying army of both Leones and Helianthus, controlled by Koeun. The swordsmen were in front and the ones with the shield blocked them from entering.

"Go no further!" Jaehyun shouted, glaring at his enemies while he grips on both his staff and his sword in two hands.

"Oh, we will, general! Not until I get what I want. I don't take orders from you or anybody. Now step aside!!!" Koeun appears in an elegant gown and disk with floating gemstones behind her back, she smirks and raises her pointer finger calmly. The marksmen of her army readied to fire their bow, holding onto the string and arrow tightly.

"We shouldn't make things like this, lady Koeun! Stand down and we shall talk about this in peace!" Jaehyun tried to persuade but Koeun didn't like the idea.

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