Chapter 1 - Moving Day (1D Fan Fiction)

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“Mum, I told you there is nothing to worry about!” I exclaim as I roll my eyes at my twin Roxy.

“I am moving into a flat that is 40minutes away. Plus I’ll be with Danielle, you like Danielle, you know Danielle. We've known her for years and you said yourself she is a very charming, put-together young lady. So what’s the problem?”

I look up, my mum tries to give me the stern ‘I am your mother, don’t question me’ look but she can’t hold it for long. I see her lip start to wobble. Shit. I’ve really done it this time. I sigh as I walk over and wrap my arms around her.

“I only want what’s best for you honey, you know that. It’s just that-  Well you know, since dad”

I see her blinking back tears, I have to be strong for her. I know it’s been hard for her since dad left us but I need to get out of here, I need to start my new life in London with Danielle. 

"Mum I am leaving in 5 minutes, I don't want to hit traffic but I promise I will be back in 2 weeks and we can do whatever you want! Plus you have Roxy! I will skype you too so you can see my face!" 

"Ok honey, just be safe.. And call me when you get there. Are you sure you have everything?"

"Yes mum, if I don't it just means I come home to get it"

That made her smile, ok now was the time to leave before she started crying again! Me and Roxy shouted bye and ran to my car and began to drive. 

"Mum won't stop crying till I get back tomorrow, thanks for that" Roxy looked at me waiting for me to say something but I didn't know what to say to her, I just shook my head.

"She'll be ok, I'll be home in no time and I am not even that far away!"

"Yeah but-"

"No, we are not talking about this anymore" 

I turn the radio on and start singing Carly Rae Jepsen, I see Roxy give me the death stare from the corner of my eye. That just makes me laugh.

45 minutes later I park up. I am so excited, I see Danielle and her boyfriend Liam on the top step pretty much eating each others faces.

I jump out and shout "Keep it PG Danni-O my eyes are burning!"

They break apart and Liam winks. Haha he is such a cutie, they are amazing together! 

"Amy Adams in the flesh, nice to finally meet you in person" Liam says before he grabs me and gives me the biggest bear hug!

"And this is?" he says as he sees Roxy get out of the car.

"That's Roxy, she's my twin"

"You don't look the same.."

"That's because they aren't identical, they are fraternal. Anyway get in here guys! We have unpacking to do!" shouts Danni from inside the house.

Liam runs up the steps while I grab a box from the car. The only thing I was dreading about today was the unpacking!  My little VW beatle is bursting with boxes, suitcases and a full length mirror. This is going to take forever!

I was right, it took over an hour just to unload the car and then another 3 to set up the kitchen and to unpack my clothes, shoes and jewellery.  But finally we were pretty much done! 

"The rest can wait till tomorrow" I say as we all collapse on the sofas.

It was only 3pm but I was tired which sucked because I really wanted to go out tonight, maybe I still could if I had a nap ... My thoughts were inturupted by the sound of Liam's voice.

"Hey, the boys are going out tonight, you guys should join us"

"Yes! I need to go out in London before I go home because the clubs in Reading just aren't the same!" 

Roxy hates the fact she is going to be staying in Reading, she loves the course, the university but she hates that she isn't in London or some other big city. 

"Okay so we need to think outfits, Danni help me out? Oh Amy I need to borrow something of yours but you're cool with that right?"

Before I could agree her and Danni were running to the bedrooms trying to find the perfect outfit. Liam looked at me.

"Aren't you going to join them?"

"Nah, I'm a last-minute person. If I started to decide what to wear now it would take me hours and I would come up with the same outfit I would have chosen if I had an hour to get ready"

Liam laughs "I tell Danielle that she doesn't need to spend forever chosing an outfit and doing her make up because she doesn't need it, she is perfect anyway."

The way he said that with such confidence made me jealous. Danni was so lucky to have someone like him. I need to find someone like him.. 

Liam puts on a movie, I don't remember the name or what happened because 10 minutes into it I fall asleep. It was a good nap, the only reason I woke up was because I fell off the sofa.  I hear someone laugh from the doorway and I look up to see who it is.

"Dude you just face-planted" 

"Are you ok? That looked like it hurt!"

I see two people I have never met before. One has brown curly hair that flops onto his face, he is still laughing so I guess he was the one who said I "face-planted" but the other one looked genuinly concerned. He had the most perfect blue eyes and--

"FOOD'S HERE!!" Someone shouted from the kitchen

When he heard those words the one with the blue eyes ran as fast as he could to the kitchen. The one with the curly hair extended his arm and said "I'm Harry, I am Liam's bandmate"

Then it hit me, how was I so stupid of course his name was Harry and the one with the eyes was Niall. I don't know how I didn't recognise them before! Liam was in this hot new boyband called One Direction. There were 5 member and they were all crazy good-looking!

"I know I'm good to look at but are you just going to stare at me for the rest of the night or actually tell me your name" 

I smile as I shake his hand. I see a cheeky smile play on his lips. Shit. No he can't do that, he's making me melt. No No No... NO!!

"I'm Amy, Danielle's new roomate. It's nice to meet you"

"Come on lets eat, Liam ordered some Chinese"

While we ate we decided to go to Fabric (a club in London that plays House music) the taxi would be here at 11. That meant we had 2 hours to finish getting ready. The girls grabbed me and dragged me to my bedroom. They start throwing clothes at me and I just shake my heads.

"Guys! GUYS! Calm down! I already know what I am going to wear! My black skinny jeans and that white corset type crop top that shows my peircing! Oh and those killer heels I never wear. What do you think?" 

Roxy gives me a look that means she knows what I am up to. 

"You only show your belly peircing when you want a guy.. Has Harry or Niall caught your eye or are you just on the hunt for a guy?"

"Yes tell us Amy! I bet you its Harry, you always loved the cheeky ones!!" squeals Dannielle.

"Jesus guys! I just want to have some fun tonight, I haven't been out in forever and I haven't been with anyone since me and Jack broke up which was at the beginning of summer and now its almost October. Am I not allowed to have any fun or to find a guy?"

"NOOO it's a good thing! Go for it sis!"

As we get ready all I can think about  is Harry's cheeky grin and Niall's gorgeous eyes... 

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