Chapter 5: The whisper game..

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I have decided to dedicate this chapter to my new fan -HoranPrincess13 You are AWESOME and I am glad someone likes my work! :P

Btw the stuff in Italics is what Amy is thinking.


I feel so uncomfortable, we are in the cab on the way back to mine and all I can feel is Harry's gaze on mine, I wish he would just leave and go to his house tonight. But I know that isn't going to happen, Danielle has already invited the boys to stay round our place tonight and I can't just withdraw that invitation without looking like a bitch or having them finding out I kissed Harry. Urgh I can't believe I let him kiss me, I knew he was trouble. Danielle is always telling me how he is never in a long term relationship. His longest one was with the woman who was on 'The Xtra Factor' with Olly Murs. Oh what was her name? Caroline something and she was like 32 when they went out, he liked older women. Why would he be interested in me..

(No disrespect to Harry or Caroline for their relationship and I have no idea how long it lasted so sorry if he has had longer relationships etc..)

I didn't realise I had zoned out until the car stopped and someone pulled on my hand helping me out of the cab. I look up about to say 'thank you' to whoever helped me but realise it was Harry. I snatch my hand out of his.

"Don't EVER touch me again" I growl at him. I was still mad at him for kissing someone else less than half an hour after he kissed me and told me he liked it.

I see his green eyes fill with sadness and my heart melts, I can't help but feel bad. But then the image of him kissing that blonde in Puzzles enters my head and I walk away. 

He isn't good for you, you deserve someone better. He isn't the type of guy you should be with right now, especially since Jack. To be honest you need someone like Niall.. NO you can't kiss anymore members of 1D Amy!! Urgh this is so frustrating! Maybe I should just swear off boys for the next month or forever! But I definitely can't fall for those 1D boys, I need to stay away from Harry. And Niall..

"Amy? Hello? Earth to Amy?!" Niall giggles at me.

"Wha- sorry I spaced out there for a second!"

"I know, you should have seen the look on your face! Anyway we wanted to know if you wanted to play the whisper game?"

My eyes lit up when he said those words "the whisper game". Danielle and I made it up one day, it hasn't really got a proper name so we just call it the whisper game because you have to whisper stuff. Ok lemme explain, you all sit in a circle and one person starts and chooses someone e.g. I choose Liam and I ask him a question but no one else can hear the question because I whisper it to him. I ask him "Who do you think is the most likely to have sex in the public/in front of people" and his answer has to be someone in the circle.

"HARRY" Liam shouts. That means that it is now Liam's turn to ask Harry a question, this carries on until most people have been chosen and then only once we have said no more questions we go to the beginning and say all the questions and answers out loud.

And so began the drinking and whisper game..

(Sorry if I am not explaining that well, but this is actually a game me and my friends play. Its so much fun but is much more fun when you play in a group of max 10 people and with boys!)

Roxy: "So Amy you started it, what did you ask Liam?"

Amy: "I asked Liam who would be most likely to have sex in public and he said Harry"

Harry: "Why me?"

Liam: "Because you do so much PDA and you never get embarrassed about it, anyway I asked Harry who would get married first and .."

Harry: "I said Danni! I mean you and Liam will probably tie the knot soon right?"

Danni: "HARRY stop it! You're embarrassing me."

Harry: "Yeah ok whatever, I asked Danni who would be a stripper and she said Amy"

Amy: "WAIT WHAT?! Why me?"

Danni: "Well have you already forgotten the first time you got drunk and you started dancing on that pole.."

Amy: "Omg guys you promised you wouldn't mention that again!!"

Harry: "Any chance of giving us a show then Amy?"

Harry just winked at me! He winked and it made me catch my breath and I swear my heart literally skipped a beat! Why does he have this effect on me..

Niall: "Ohh she is thinking about it!! Maybe she will, right we need to find a pole.."

"NO I AM NOT" I shout as I punch Niall in the arm.

"Ouch, that really hurt Amy!" whined Niall.

"Haha I'll do it, someone finds me a pole!" announces Harry.

"There is a lampost outside, lets go!" says Roxy.

They all run outside and I follow behind. Harry has one hand on the pole and is spinning around trying to look sexy and to be honest he is succeeding.

Niall takes over and ends up falling flat on his face!

"Face-plant!" Screamed Harry and Liam

Liam turns to me, "so are you going to give it a go?"

"Come on Amy!" shout Roxy and Dani who are dancing around the pole.

Ah what the hell. I grab the vodka out of Harry's hand and take a hug swig "I'm coming!"

I wrap my legs around the pole, holding myself stable with one hand while swinging my head back, my other hand touching the ground. I lift myself back up and swing around the pole laughing.

"We want more!" shouts Harry.

I don't know what made me do it, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe I wanted to show off in front of Harry, but I carried on. I hooked my right leg around the pole, flung my neck back and began grinding on the pole moving my hips from side to side. I must have looked like a right slut but I didn't care, it was way too much fun!

"Alright Amy I think you should stop. I think you're giving Niall a boner!" Liam says through fits of laughter.

Oh shit..

I look up blushing and see that Niall's cheeks mirror mine, the vodka bottle placed strategically in front of his legs. Roxy, Liam and Dani are hunched over, clutching their stomaches laughing while Harry.. Well Harry is looking at me with so much intensity I can't help but look away from his eyes but I don't want to stop looking at him. My eyes travel down his face, past his chest and to his trousers where I can clearly see a buldge.

The buldge was the result of my pole dancing! No way did I just make Harry Styles hard without touching him. Silly girl! But it wasn't just Harry, Niall got hard watching me too. I was in trouble, big trouble..

Harry just shrugs and makes his way up the steps and back into the house. I turn my attention to Niall. He looks at me sheepishly and mouths 'sorry', shaking my head I make my way up to him "Don't worry about it, it was my fault. I guess I got a bit carried away"

Niall just laughs and mumbles somthing about needing some water before he follows Harry back into the house leaving me out on the street with the three crazy people who couldn't stop laughing.

What do I do now?

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