Chapter 7: Forgetting Styles..

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Ok I have a shit load of work to do for uni this week, will be able to write a better and longer chapter next monday or around then. But I felt bad for not giving you anything in the meantime so here is a little chapter in Amy's P.O.V. Remember she is trying to forget Harry and move on now that he is in America (I dont actually know if he was in america in sept/oct and tbh I dont care if he was or not this is A STORY, so please do not comment telling me his was in Australia or something PLEASE!) and she thinks he is a player who will never change.

Dediction to 'melannchuck' :)


It was the day I had been looking forward to for the last 4 months! 24th September, the start of my university life. But now all I felt was fear and dread. What if no one likes me? What if I embarrass myself? What if--

"Stop worrying Adams, you'll have an amazing time, make loads of friends and you'll forget all about the 'What ifs" you've been telling me about this morning!" Danni says to me as she shakes her head laughing. "You worry way to much Ams"

"Wait I was saying all that out loud?! This is not good! What if-"

"What did I say about the 'What ifs?" Stop it, you always give great first impressions, the boys all loved you as soon as they met you."

She was talking about 1D..

"I only met Harry and Niall and they like anyone who gives them food," I point out

Danielle sighs and just looks at me, "You know I would come with you if you really wanted to but I have to get to rehersals.. How about this, you go in and if you don't have anyone to go to lunch with give me a call and I can get to you for about half an hour."

"No, you can't. You wouldn't get there and back in time. I'll be fine. Love ya!!" 

When the door closes, I take a deep breath before making my way to the station. 

"You'll be fine, you'll be fine" I keep chanting to myself. I look up to see my train! Crap! I begin to run, my eyes fixed on the train the whole time. 


I just ran staright into some guy who is now, under me.. SHIT! CRAP BALLS! FUCK! 

I hear a groan from under me and I quickly pull myself off this random guy. 

"I am so SO sorry! I didn't see you and I didn't want to be late. You see its my first day.." I know I am rambling but I can't stop! 

"No worries, its my first day too and I have no idea how to use this thing" 

I look to see what he is pointing at, a tube map. 

"Oh I can help you, I've been using this thing since I was 10! So where do you need to go?"

"Either Euston Square or Warren street" 

"Oh me too! I prefer going to Warren Street because less people go there and so you nearly always get a seat whereas if you go to Euston Square you always end up standing up with--"

I was rambling again, but this time I stopped because I looked up to see my victim for the first time and I was left speechless. A tan, muscular 19ish year old with the sexiest smile was looking at me with an amused expression on his face. 

He is by far the most gorgeous man I have ever set eyes on!

"So does that mean you are going to UCL too?"

Omg he is going to my uni! omg omg omg! I can't breath! I can't speak!

I just nod my head as I give him a small smile. 

"Awesome! Are we in the right place to get the subway to Warren Street?"

I finally find my voice and say "Yeah we are. We just missed a train so we have to wait.." I strain my head so I can look at the board with the train times.. "4 minutes till the next one"

"Thank you, I have no idea what I would have done if you hadn't crashed into me. I was about to leave and go onto another platform and would probably have ended up on the other side of London!"

How did I not realise this before, he was American! The accent, he said 'subway'.

"American?" I asked

"It took you long enough, I have only been here for 2 days and even when I ask someone a question they always reply by asking me if I am American"

"I guess I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't notice the accent"

Lame! Could I have said anything more lame...

"Don't sweat it. I like it"

I blush and look at his perfect face, a smile spreads across my lips when I see his eyes. They are the bluest eyes I have ever seen! 

"So what course are you doing?"


"Me too!"

"Oh good! I thought I would be a loner today! I have a friend.. Who's name I don't know.."

"Its Amy, Amy Adams."

"Well its a pleasure meeting you Amy, my name is Chase Miller."

Maybe today wasn't going to be a crap day after all.....

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