Chapter 4: Once a player always a player..

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A/N I just wanted to say sorry for taking so long to update!! I've been so busy and then my laptop broke! So i am writing this from my phone-sorry for any spelling mistakes!! I'll try to update quicker in the future :)

OH and this is dedicated to 'Amber2291DJBBTW! For being so lovely and supportive of me and this fanfic!! :)  anyway i hope you enjoy this chapter & any comment/vote is appreciated!!! And thank you for reading :) love you guys!! 


Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, ohmigosh, ohhhhmiiiiigosshh!!! OHMIGOSH! What the hell was that? Did Harry Styles just kiss me? Did I just kiss him back?.. And like it ...


I look up into those gorgeous green eyes, - wait did I just say gorgeous? -

"Sooo" Harry says awkwardly.

No he is going to talk about it! I told him I didn't want to.. I just realised.I told him it can't happen again but I didn't say anything about talking about it. Why did I say I didn't think it should happen again. Maybe I should give him a chance..

"I am not going to lie Amy I-I liked it.."

"Harry, I did too but I -" I pull my eyes away from his looking in the direction we are travelling in and see Roxy walking towards us. Oh shit!!

"Harry lets talk about this later, I don't want to say anything to anyone about what just happened until we talk about this"

His eyes turn towards Roxy as he nods in understanding "Sure, but we need to talk"

I breathe out a sigh of relief just as Roxy reaches us.

"There you guys are! We were about to send out a search party when we couldn't find you at the club! Amy do you know what mum would have said if I told you that you went missing on your first day away from her? She would never let you leave her side again and then there goes your--"

Urgh I am so fed up with Roxy and her way of bringing mum into all of this and making me feel bad for leaving her! I can't deal with this; the kiss and the lecture! I just need to get away.

"I don't care and it wasn't my fault it was his" I say pointing at Harry as I stomp away.


"What did you do to her Styles?"

Roxy glares at me, annoyance in her grey-blue eyes. Eyes that mirrored her sisters, well except the small flecks of green that Amy's eyes had. Urgh I need to talk to Amy, we need to talk about the kiss. I just wanted to kiss her again..

"Harry I am being serious, what did you do?"

"Me? Seriously Rox, she was fine until you came and started having a go at her!"

I see Roxy's face change and I realise I had upset her. I placed my hand to put on her arm to comfort her and apologise, I didn't mean to. "I am so sorry Roxy, I didn't mean it like that but you were angry with me and blamed me which made me so angry!"

"No I know it was my fault but I didn't- I just. Oh I am just annoyed that she was the one who gets to leave home and I am still in Reading. I know I wanted to go to Reading university but when it happened and Amy said she was going to London it just hit me that she was leaving. Not just mum, she was leaving me and didn't really seem to care!"

"Oh Roxy, she does care! I am sure of it! Why don't you just talk to her? Come on" I say as I steer her towards the rest of the group who were waiting for us at the station.

"You really think so?"

"Of course silly! She is your sister! Look she is standing there on her own, go talk now ok?"

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