Chapter 6: The morning after the night before..

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This chapter is dedicated to - CELAdimaflosen - my newest fan! Thank you so much for folloing me and I hope you like my work :D 




Huh? What time is it?  I randomly throw my arm around trying to find my phone only to have my sister open the curtains forcing me to retreat back under the covers.

"Stop Roxy! Its too bright, let me sleep!"

"Ams do you know what time it is? Its nearly 2.. pm! Even the boys are up! Come we want to all eat together before I leave and the boys go to America!"

The boys are going to America? Danni didn't tell me.. That means I won't see Harry or Niall which is a good thing right? It means I can move on without them distracting me..

Roxy literally pulls me out of bed and pushes me into the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Danni needs your help with the pancakes"

Ohh pancakes! Yummy!  I quickly jump in the shower, brush my teeth, detangle my hair and throw on a pair of dark blue skinnies and my favourite "I wear my heart on my sleeve" t-shirt. As I run down the hallway I can hear people shouting over who gets the first pancake. I enter the kitchen to see Danni and Roxy standing my the cooker looking very angry - what the?

"Sorry babe, we'll clean it up" I look across the kitchen to see Liam looking apologetic covered in flour, standing next to him with huge grins on their faces are Harry and Niall. They both are covered in flour and.. syrup? Well I think its syrup.

"What the hell happened in here?" I ask

"Harry thought it would be funny to throw flour at me and it kinda turned into a food fight and the winner would get the first pancake" Niall says sheepishly "but now we have run out of flour and no-one is getting pancakes"

He looks so sad at the thought of not getting any pancakes.

"I hope you're happy guys" 

"Sorry Danni" all three boys chorus.

"Baby I'll go get some flour.." Liam announces, grabbing his keys.

"Liam you can't go out looking like that!" 

"But Danni-"

"No Liam, its ok you three should go get cleaned up and I'll go get some more flour" 

I follow Danni out of the kitchen, "Hey Danni I can- wait Danni are you crying? Whats wrong?" I say as I wrap my arms around my best friend.

"Its just that L-Liam is le-leaving t-t-today and I won't s-see him for s-ss-so long.." she says through sobs.

"Danielle, its ok baby, I'll be back before you know it" 

I see Liam making his way towards us, whispering in Danni's ear I say "Listen to what he has to say, you guys will be fine. He'll be back before you know it and if you miss him too much you'll just have to surprise him and visit him in America."

I see a smile spread across Danielle's face and I can imagine what she is thinking, I just hope her schedule allows her to go to America! I kiss her forehead before I grab my keys, I guess I'll go get the flour.

----------- (Harrys P.O.V) ----------

An hour later and I step out of the shower, I can smell the pancakes! Finally I can eat them. Roxy had a go at me for starting the food fight and said I had to clean the kitchen before I had my shower and only then could I have any pancakes.

"This one is yours Harry" 

"Thanks Amy! They look amazing" 

 I am trying to get on her good side so when I talk to her about last night she will be in a good mood and hopefully won't be mean to me! We don't have much time until we have to head to our flat and finish packing but I can't leave for America without explaining what happened last night.

"Slow down Niall! You're going to choke"

"But they are sooo good! I want more!"

I laugh to myself, Niall and his food! Before I knew Niall I though I was bad, I even steal food off of people's plates, I still do now but I will never touch Niall's plate otherwise I will be in trouble. Niall never gets angry, ever. But if you touch his food, you better get ready to run!

After everyone has eaten I decide to help Amy clean up, she was the only one in the kitchen and I knew I woldn't get another chance to talk to her alone. Niall had to lie down after eating too much, Roxy was packing her bag getting ready to go back home and Danni and Liam were having some 'alone time' before he had to leave.

"Amy I need to explain what happened-"

She doesn't even let me finish my sentence, "Harry there is no need to explain anything to me. The kiss was a mistake, I told you it shouldn't and won't happen again so there is no need for you to feel bad about kissing that other girl in Puzzles"

"No but thats the point Amy. YOU said it shouldn't happen again, I want it to happen again. I like you,  that other girl forced herself onto me and took me by surprise. I want to you"

"You don't mean that"

"Yes I do, I want to see if anything will happen between us. Why won't you let me give you a chance?"

"Because my last relationship ended horribly. He-" she pauses and takes a deep breath before she starts talking again, "he cheated on me Harry and it broke me. I can't let that happen again and I don't know for sure if I can trust you enough to take a chance on you. Harry I have seen you treat girls and  you never have long-term relationships. I don't think we are looking for the same thing. I'm sorry Harry, you have such a great personality and I want us to be friends I do, but I can't be anything more than that. I hope you understand"  and with that she left the room.

I just stood there by the sink, dumbfound. I didn't know what to do. No girl has ever turned me down before. Niall walked in and I was still stood by the sink. 

"Hazza, what are you doing?"

What was I doing? Why was I standing here like an idiot. Why don't I shrug this off as a bad experience and move on? Yes girls haven't turned me down since I was 14 but that didn't mean I should be hurt by it. I mean yes I did like her but maybe.. She clearly doesn't want me so why waste anymore time on her? There were more girls out there. 

"Thanks Nialler"

"For what?"

Bless him, he looks so confused. "Don't worry about it. Come on we need to get back to the flat, finish packing so we don't miss out flight. It leaves tonight at 11pm."

 Now I couldn't wait to get to America. The girls there are HOT and I needed to stop thinking about Amy!


Sorry for being a short chapter. I am going away this weekend so I won't be able to get another chapter up until Monday so I thought I would give you something before then. I might re-write it when I get time because it is shit tbh! 

Anyway I hope you do like it & if you do please vote/comment and let me know what you think! No one ever comments but first one to will get a dedication :) 

Thanks for reading!!

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