Chapter 3: Midnight run..

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I can't help but smile, as I grab her hand as we run out the door, I can hear shouts and cameras flash behind me. I can see them grabbing their cameras and their bags as they try to catch us but luckily none of them look like they will be able catch up with them.

'We should be fine' I think as I grin at the girl who has her fingers wrapped around mine. But she doesn't share my smile.

"What if they catch us?" she asks as her face scrunches up with worry. She looks over her shoulder and I follow her gaze to the out of breathe paparazzi who are desperately trying to get a good photo.

"It'll be ok. Can you run faster?"

She smirks and sprints ahead. Woahh!  Where did that come. I can't help but laugh to myself as I catch up to her. I look around trying to see where we could run to and finally get away from the paparazzi, but I didn't recognise where we were.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" I ask her.

"Err... " She looks around quickly. "Oh wait. Yes I do! I used to come here all the time when I was a kid! We are almost at Farringdon Station, there look! I know what to do to get rid of the paps!"

I stare at her wondering what is going through her mind when she pulls me into a park.. 

"A park?"

"St. John's Gardens, I used to come here all the time so I know all the good hiding spots!"

She drags me up a hill towards a small building that looks like a mini house.

"Where are--?"

I never finish my sentence as Amy pulls me to the left and pushes me down to the ground. She landed half on top of me, her grey-blue eyes pierced into mine as she held a finger to my lips. I craned my neck as I heard shouts and feet stomp past our hiding place. When I was sure the last of the paparazzi were out of sight I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think they are--"

The words in my head became jumbled when her silky brown hair brushed my face as she pushed her palms to my chest looking around to make sure we were alone. My breath caught in my throat as she looked into my eyes, I didn't notice the flecks of green in them before. Wow she was gorgeous. Before I could stop myself I tangled my hands through her hair as I pulled her head closer to mine.

Her eyes questioned my action but she didn't resist. I inched closer to her until our lips almost touch, I can feel her heart rate quicken as she runs her tongue along her bottom lip before she bites it. I look up to meet her gaze and see a worried look on her face, as if she is  having an argument with herself. A smile plays on my lips as I push my lips onto hers. 

This kiss was soft and gentle but as soon as her hands found their way into my hair I wanted more. I teased her lips, willing her to part them but her lips were stubborn and remained closed. I pulled out of the kiss, my lips still touching hers "please", I needed her to let me in. I run my tongue along her bottom lip, a soft moan escapes her lips. I take my chance and my tongue enters her mouth, hungry to taste more of her...

*Move bitch, get out the way. Get out the way bitch, get out the way! I said move--*

Amy pushed me away from her as she stands fumbling around in her bag looking for her phone. I pull myself off the ground and dust myself off as I listen to her one-sided phone conversation.


"Yeah sorry about that, me and Harry got spotted by the paps and had to run. We only just got away.. I was about to text you guys."

"We are at St. John's Gardens--"

"Yep the park we used to go to when we were kids--"

"Okay we'll be at Farringdon Station in 5 minutes"

"5 minutes Rox, okay? Alright, bye!"

We stand in silence as she looks at her phone in her hands, she won't look at me. I need to say something..

"That's some ringtune you have there"

A shy smile plays on her lips as she says "Yeah.. I couldn't help myself and I actually hear it when its in my bag. You have to admit it's a good song!"

"No I like it, I just didn't think you would have a ringtone like that. So I am guessing that was Roxy on the phone?"

"Oh yeah they said they left the club trying to find us and now they decided to go home so we'll meet them at Farringdon Station"

I watch as she she started walking towards the station, where we going to talk about that kiss? What am I talking about. Get a grip Styles, it was only one kiss, don't overthink it. 

"Hey wait up!" I shout as I jog up to her side.

"Listen Harry, I am not sure what just happened before Roxy called me but--"

"Don't worry about it, we don't have to talk about it now--"

"Harry, no I-- I need to say something. I don't think it should happen again ok?"

"Sure" But in my head I was thinking of a way to get ther alone so I could kiss her again..


The picture on the right is what I imagine Amy and Roxy to look like. Roxy is the blonde and Amy is the brunette. :)

Please comment and let me know what you think! I hope you guys like it! 

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