Chapter 2: We're gonna sleep all day & party all night...

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Me, Roxy and Danni stand in a row examining ourselves in the mirror.

"PERFECT!" is Danni's opinion but I am not too sure. Danni looks stunning in a deep purple dress that shows off her figure perfectly while Roxy wears my favourite glittery skirt with a tight, white vest tucked into it. Her outfit is simple but she has styled her long, blonde hair into loose curls. Both her and Danni look hot but I'm not too sure about my outfit, my confidence from before is gone and I start to tug at the end of my straight chocately brown hair like I do when I am nervous.

"We're going to leave without you.."

"Lets go girls!" Roxy grabs my arm and pulls me through the flat and to the boys. Harry whistles appreciatively. Who is he whistling at? Does he like my outfit? No I can't get my hopes up, he is Harry Styles. HARRY STYLES and I am just plain Amy Adams.

We pile into the cabs and I am stuck in the middle of Niall and Harry. How did that happen?! My skin feels so hot and I can't keep my breathe even. Harry's hand is touching my thigh..

"So what's your story Amy Adams?" Harry whispers in my ear. I suck in my breath, he just sent shivers down my spine. Be cool Amy don't say something stupid..

"There isn't much to know"

"Ahaa I love a good mystery" 

Even though I can't see him I can hear the grin in his voice.

The taxi stops and we get out. Thank god thats over, I need a drink! Oh I love Fabric! It is one of my favourite clubs in London! I head straight to the bar and down 2 shots.

"Woahh hardcore Adams!" 

"Huh-- what? Oh I didn't see you there Harry. Yeah I really needed a drink. Been a rough few months"

"Here, I'll buy you your next drink. Double or single?"

"Double! Thank you!"

Ahh why is he being so nice? Why is he buying me a drink, as if someone like him would ever want me. He is actually kinda perfect! I can't believe I am saying that..

"You two started without us!" says Niall.

"Looks like Harry is buying to first rounds" laughs Liam. 

I grab my drink and start to walk away from the bar its way to crowded at the moment. I jump, what the? Some jerk just slapped my arse! I turn trying to see who the dick was but there is no one behind me. Just then I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I look round and see a guy with the cutest smile and deep green eyes looking at me.

"Hey, my name's Shane and- look I hope this isn't too forward but- well do you want to dance err-- I didn't get your name.."

"Amy, my names Amy.."

I look towards my friends and see Harry looking my direction, I blush. I can't keep feeling like this around Harry, I need to get my mind off of him. I look up at Shane.

"I'd love to, let me just finish my drink"

I down my drink, Harry is still watching me as I pull Shane onto the dancefloor. The song that is playing is one of my favourites and I just forget about Harry. Shane has his hands around my waist and his lips to my ear; he is about to say something when Harry, Niall and Roxy interupt us. 

"Hey sis who is this? He is C-UTE!" she whispers

"His name is Shane"

We dance as a group but Shane comes round and starts dancing behind me, one hand on my waist and the other holding my hand. It feels good to dance with him but its taking everything in me to not look at Harry.

I feel Shane's lips on my neck and usually this would make me feel good but it doesn't. I don't want to be dancing with Shane, I don't want to -- I just need to get away. I close my eyes and turn my head trying to get away from his grasp. When I open my eyes I see Harry looking at me with concern "help" I mouth. 

I feel Shane pull away from me as he looks at the person who tapped him on the shoulder. I can't hear what Harry is saying to him but Shane just nods. He then leans in to whispher something in my ear..

"Hey I didn't realise you had a boyfriend, it musn't be that serious if you were dancing with me. So if things aren't so great with him come find me babe. I'm here all night, ok?"

He winks as he leaves, I watch him make his way across the dancefloor as Danielle and Liam come towards us.

"Who was that?" asks Liam, "Your new lover?"

"What no course not! He- He isn't anyone. I'm going to get some air"

I needed to get out of the crowded club and well away from Harry. He made me feel nervous when he was so close to me. 

"Yeah I'll come with you, its getting too hot in here. Who was that guy?"

I look up to see Harry walking behind me. I wanted to get away from Harry why did he have to follow me? 

I push open the door and let the cold air hit me. It felt good. I need to figure out what I actually feel for Harry. Is it lust? Or do I genuinely have feelings for him? 

"Aren't you cold? I am wearing a jacket and I am freezing my balls off! And you're in this incredibly sexy top that shows off an amazing belly piercing. Is that a butterfly.." he says as he reaches to touch the piece of jewellery hanging from my belly button.

"Well isn't someone a flirt? Not gentlemenly enough to give me your jacket then?" I laugh and he joins in. 

"Truthfully, I don't want people to see how girly I am when I am cold, so I would rather look ungentlemanly -is that even a word?- anyway I would rather look ungentlemanly than look like a wimp!"

There is that cheeky grin again, I bite my lip. I lean in so that my lips are brushing his ear and whisper "Don't worry, I can keep your secret" 


"Shit" Harry mumbles as he grabs my hand to pull me back inside the club.

"The paps are here.. they've seen me come inside so they know I'm coming out which means they are going to stay there all night. Great! Just what I need!"

"Harry, Harry don't worry there is always a backdoor you can sneak out of or we will just have to disguise you.. Or we can run out now, they won't expect that especially since you have just walked back in right?"

"The only problem with the running idea is .. your shoes"


"Look at the heel on that! There is no way you can run fast enough in them!"

I shake my head as I walk to the cloakroom and grab my bag. I always keep a pair of flat pumps in my bag. The really cheap ones with Primark. I am so glad they have laces, they won't fall off if I run! I wave them in Harry's face.

"So we run?" I ask

"We run"



    COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED! Let me know if you want to be NIALL'S new love interest!

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