Chapter 10: I just want it to go away..

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Dedicated to negative_22 - thank you for becoming a fan & following :)


"Amy?" Harry asks hesitantly. 

I open my mouth trying to say something, anything but nothing comes out; instead my eyes sting. Shit, I have people seeing me cry, so I definitely can't cry in front of Harry. Taking a deep, shaky breath I close my eyes as I shake my head. Don't cry, Don't cry! Do you really want Harry Styles to see you cry? No of course not, so no crying! 

I don't know how long I sat there trying to force the tears back in but when Harry called out my name again my eyes shot open and my breath caught in the throat. 

"Amy, you don't have to say anything. I mean you can say anything to me but if you don't want to talk about it I understand. But just tell me on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being not at all and 10 being very, how upset are you about this?"

"Upset? How UPSET am I?" I snap, whatever stopped me from speaking before definitely isn't working now; I feel a whole speech coming on. “I don't know Harry how upset would you be if the roles were reversed and you were perceived to be a slut who was desperate for Harry Styles' dick and who doesn't care that he will chuck her away when he has got what he wanted from her?”

I wanted to be sick, my heart was hammering so fast, my chest rising and falling with anger.  I had so much more to say but when I saw Harry’s face I broke down, I couldn’t hold the tears in any longer and one by one they fell down my face.  My vision was blurry now but I could still see Harry’s face; his eyebrows furrowed over his emerald eyes, his lips pressed into a thin line until he finally spoke “Amy, I am so sorry. I wish I wasn’t in Miami right now. I just, I- Amy, what do you want me to do?”

I didn’t know what I wanted him to do, I just felt numb now. I wasn’t even in control of my legs when they started to move me closer to Danielle’s macbook. When I got there I knelt down so Harry could see my face, I knew I looked a mess but I didn’t care. 

“I just-” my voice cracked because of the tears, I sounded so rough. “I just want it to go away Harry” I whispered.  “I don’t want people to know it’s me but that’s not going to happen now is it Harry?” my voice began to rise as I was once again filled with anger.  “You know how I found out about these pictures? A girl on the street recognised me from the pictures she had seen on twitter. Do you know how embarrassing it was to be stopped on THE STREET HARRY in front of my flat!”

“I didn’t realise--” I didn’t let him carry on, I was in full anger mode. Not like before, this time I was seriously fuming and I wouldn’t stop until he knew how I felt.

“No let me finish Harry! If some random girl – no okay she was lovely and she is friends with me – but she was a stranger and she recognised me. How long do you think it will take before more people recognise me and my face along with my name is all over the internet with the caption “Harry Styles’ new fling” or something cheap like that? I’m not like that Harry, nothing even happened in those pictures and yet they look so bad as if something had or was going to happen between us. I just, I don’t want people at uni to know me as a slut who knows Harry Styles. Uni was supposed to be a new start for me after what happened the last few months and now it just seems like I can’t catch a break” I finally stopped, closing my eyes and running my hands through my hair waiting for Harry to say something.

“Ouch, you know how to hurt a guy Amy. You seriously think I am just that guy who sleeps around? Because I don’t I have been in relationships with those girls, they weren’t flings.  I know you don’t really know me but please know that I am not a manwhore, it hurts when people just assume that”

I feel like such a bitch, his eyes are red around the outside.  He is upset too. I made him upset on purpose by what I said whereas when he made me upset it wasn’t intentional! He is right, I don’t know him so it was completely wrong of me to say what I have heard in the media about him.  I am just as bad as those people who write all that shit!

 “Sorry, that was mean. I am just so angry and upset but I shouldn’t be taking it out on you. Is there anything we can actually do to get rid of this?”

“Honestly Amy I don’t think so.  We have to let this run its course and hope they start talking about someone new and forget about us.  I really didn’t realise they actually got any pictures the other night.  I’ll talk to the management and see if they can do something about this but I hope no one at your uni has seen the pictures.  I hope they get to know the real you and don’t just judge you on those pictures.  But if it’s any consolation you looked stunning in those pictures, and if any guys have seen them then you will be getting a lot of male attention.”

I blushed and couldn’t look at him anymore.  Why was she such a charmer, why didn’t he say hot why did he have to say stunning? Harry, Harry what are you doing to me?  I don’t want to fall for anyone.

“Are we ok?” I looked up into those emerald eyes as I nodded. 

His face broke into a smile and I couldn’t help but smile back.  “So seeing as we are ok and friends would it be ok for me to call you tomorrow to see how uni went?”

He really was a cutie, I guess I had him wrong but my guard wasn’t going to go down this quickly.  “You can call but I can’t guarantee I’ll pick up depending on my day”

“I’ll take what I can get” he said with that cheeky grin he was well known for.

Trying to hold back a smile I say “I have to go now Styles, uni tomorrow I don’t want to oversleep.  I’ll go get Danni and then her and Liam can talk.”

“Goodnight angel” whispers Harry, “sleep tight”

“Na’night” I say to Harry as I back out of the room.

“DANNI!” I yell as I walk in the direction of our bedrooms

“You done?”

“Yep, you and Liam can have alone time now, sorry it took so long” I say peeking my head into her room.

“Don’t worry about it babe, are you ok?”

“Yeah I guess, I just need to sleep. We’ll talk about this tomorrow and tell Liam I say hi”

I carry on walking to my room and fall face first onto the bed; I didn’t even bother changing or brushing my teeth. I was completely drained. I just hope tomorrow isn’t too bad…


Is unedited and I know it may be confusing why Amy doesn't want to like Harry but the next chapters will start to explain what happened in Amy's past and I'll try updating more often but I do have exams soon so if I don't upload dont't get mad.

But please comment so I know how you feel about this story and I have no idea if you guys actually like it or not so feedback would be appreciated! 

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