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you and nat have been together for almost 4 years and you decided it was time to propose. however, a few weeks before the proposal, you unintentionally distance yourself from nat, due to nerves, and she assumes the worst.

You and Natasha first met at SHIELD, a year before the Avengers were a thing. You knew who she was before you met her, everyone knew who she was. But everyone was also scared shitless of her. Everyone but you. You admired her. She was like a role model to you and working in the same building as her was enough for you. You were both SHIELD agents and you had been there for two years already, she had been there for a year longer. You never got to go on any missions with her though and it was only because your schedules kind of clashed and there were no opportunities for you two to meet and work together. You and Clint were quite close, since he had helped you with training and you also went on missions together quite a lot. The first time you met Natasha was when you thought that you and Clint would be going on a simple mission together but when you got on the jet you froze in place.

'Y/N right?' she spoke and you were too shocked to speak until you realised how stupid you looked in front of her.
'Uh yeah, that's me. Wheres Clint?' you asked, confused as to why the Natasha Romanoff was standing in your jet.
'Didn't he tell you?' She asked and continued, 'He couldn't make it today and Fury asked me to take over for him.'

That was the first time you met Natasha and after successfully completing you mission, you ended up going on more together, and after about a month, she finally asked you out, to which you said yes, of course.

A year later, the Avengers were formed and you Natasha and Clint were the three SHIELD agents who were chosen to be a part of it. And by this point, you had been dating Nat for a year.

Now, you were almost four years into your relationship with Natasha and you wanted to take it to the next level. That is why you were currently standing outside Clint's room at the compound, debating on whether you should do what you were there for or just walk away.

'Are you going to knock or just keep standing out there like an idiot like you have been for the past 10 minutes Y/N?' Clint asked.

Of course he knew you were there.
'Right. Sorry'. You said as you entered his room.

'So what brings you here?' he asks and you look around nervously, the reality of the situation kicking in. 'Hey, Y/L/N? You alright?'
'Yeah sorry. I just- Can I ask you something Clint?' you say, taking a seat next to him on his bed. 'Yeah, sure'. he replied.

You sat there for a few minutes in silence trying to figure out how to say what you wanted to say, until Clint spoke up. 'Y/N? What did you want to say?'

'CanIMarryNatasha?' you rush out. 'What?' 'I want to propose to Nat.' you say and he replied with 'That's amazing but why are you asking me?' 'You're her best friend and I just wanted to ask you first to see if you were okay with it since, you know, I can't really ask her parents and you're the closest thing she has to family.' you reply and you see a smile on his lips. 'And I need help planning it, as no one knows except us now and I can't really do this alone'.

'Of course I'll help you Y/N. When do you plan on doing it?' he asks. 'Nat and I have a vacation week booked off in two months, so then.'
'Have you got the ring yet?' he questions and you shake your head and reply saying 'That's another reason why I'm here, I want you to help me get it. Like now. She's training right now and will be for a few hours since she just started and she thinks I'm going to get food for myself so we have a chance to go.' 'Okay but I'm driving,' he says with a smirk and you roll your eyes following him out his room and to the compound garage.

Once you set off to the jewellery store, your nerves start to kick in.
'What if I can't find the right one? Or what if she doesn't like it' What if she says no?'
'Y/N! Calm down. We will find the right ring and she'll love it. And she'll say yes. We both know she will.' he says trying to calm you down. 'Okay.'

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