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summary: (nat x daughter!reader)(reader is 17)
your mom is always away on missions and never spends time with you anymore.

Your mom had been on a mission for a week with Tony and Sam and was due back in an hour so you were just waiting around for her to arrive.

Soon, FRIDAY had announced that they were arriving, so you made your way towards the landing pad to meet her.

Tony was the first to get off and he waved at you from where he was, and made his way inside.

Next was Natasha, she got off and smiled when she saw you and made her way over.

'Hey Y/N. I missed you.' She said, pulling you in for a hug.

'I missed you too Mom. How was the mission?'

'It was good, I'm just a little tired. I need to go take a shower. I'll see you later, okay?' She said, making her way inside.

'Wait, Mom?' You called out to her, causing her to turn around.


'Could we- Do you wanna do something later? Like after you shower and stuff.' You ask her.

'I need to do my debrief and mission reports and I think that'll take a while. I'm sorry, maybe another time.'

'No it's fine. It was stupid of me to ask anyway.' You say, walking quickly past her, to your room.

After staying in your room for a while, you decided to go and visit Tony's lab. You knew he wouldn't be there because he had just come from the mission with your mom so he would be busy but he trusted you enough to let you go down there alone. You liked going there because he was always making something and he'd let you try it out but when he wasn't there, you would just look around at everything that he was planning to make.

Once getting out of the elevator, you saw Tony and were confused as to why he was down there. 'Tony? What are you doing here?'

'Well Y/N, this is my lab, why wouldn't I be here?'

'I thought you were at your mission debrief though?'

'No, that got moved to tomorrow. I have the rest of today off.'

'You've already finished your mission reports?'

'We didn't have to do any. Fury said that Hill took care of it. Didn't your mom tell you this?'

'No, she must've just forgotten. I haven't seen her since you got back. Do you know where she is?'

'No, sorry kid I haven't seen her either.'

'Alright well have fun doing whatever you were doing. Bye Tony.' You said walking into the elevator.

One you were in the hallway, you asked FRIDAY where your mom was and she said that she had just left the main common room and was on her way to her room.

You and your mom had your own floor in the tower, with a small kitchen, living room, your bedrooms, bathrooms and her office so you made your way there.

You knocked on her door, seeing as she wasn't anywhere else on the floor and you heard her say, 'Come in,' so you entered.

'Oh, hi Y/N. Everything okay?'

'Yeah, everything's fine. Tony told me that you're free for the rest of the day and I was wondering if you'd wanna go and get some food or something.'

'Y/N/N, I'm really sorry, but Clint just called me down to train with him. How about tomorrow?' She replied with.

'Can't you just miss it for once?'

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