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summary: you hurt yourself on a mission but are too embarrassed to tell everyone how it actually happened

warnings: just language i think

You were currently on a mission with the rest of the team. It was just the usual, taking down another hydra base that was found.

Steve had put you and Clint together to check if they were keeping any dangerous weapons in any of the buildings, whilst the rest tried to make their way inside the main building. This would be pretty simple, since there are never any agents keeping guard of the weapon buildings for some reason.

Once you'd checked all the buildings, and made sure everything was good, you and Clint decided to just sit around in the last warehouse. You would normally just go and help the rest fight but you figured they would be fine without the both of you for once.

"Y/N? You wanna play a game?" Clint randomly said.

"What kind of game?" You replied, but you didn't get an answer because Clint had gotten up and tapped you on the shoulder saying, "Tag, you're it!" and then running to the other side of the room.

"You're such a child Clint. I'm not playing this stupid game with you." You actually did want to play but you thought it was unfair that he tagged you without telling you first.

Clint came back and dramatically lay on the floor sighing. "Fine, we'll just sit around like idiot then if that's what you want."

Whilst he was on the ground, you took this as your opportunity to get him back, so you walked up to him and kicked his leg saying "Tag! Haha I got you!" before running as fast as you could.

"I hate you so much Y/L/N! This is so unfair! Come back!".

He somehow caught up to you and shouted "Tag! See Y/N no one can beat me at this game!"

"It's just Tag Clint. What's there to beat?" You said laughing, but it was more like wheezing since you were running at the same time.

After a while of chasing each other, you were 'it' again, so you were running after Clint, who somehow wasn't even tired, and you didn't see the huge piece of metal on the ground.

You ended up tripping over it and landing on the ground. What's even worse was that a small broken pole had landed its way into your stomach.

"Ow! Fuck! Clint get here right now!"

"I'm not falling for your stupid games Y/L/N!"

"Clint I've been fucking stabbed so if you don't want Nat to kill you if I end up dying then I suggest you move your ass!"

"You were stabbed?! How the hell did that happen?" He shouted whilst running to you.

"I- I tripped.."

You could tell he was going to laugh so you glared at him and said, "This is all your fault anyway. We could have gone to help the team but you wanted to stay here. And not only that, you wanted to play a stupid game. So help me get this stupid pole out and wrap this stupid wound up."

"Okay fine." He said as he yanked the pole out of your stomach.

"Fuckin- You could have warned me!"

"Whatever," he said whilst pulling his jacket off. He wrapped it around your stomach to stop more blood from pouring out.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. But Clint, we cannot tell anyone how this happened. Okay?"

"Yeah okay, you really think I'm going to tell the team we were playing tag while they were fighting."

"I think we should just go wait on the jet until they're done. And whilst we're waiting I can properly sort this wound out."

You eventually got to the jet and immediately went to find some first aid equipment. Eventually the wound was all wrapped up and the team still weren't back.

"Clint? Check where they are it's been a while."

"Yeah I just asked them and they said they're on their way back. Did your comm get knocked out?"

"Oh yeah it must've. I didn't realise."

Finally, everyone was making their way back onto the jet and the first thing you did was go up to Nat to see if she was injured.

"Hi Nat, you okay?"

"I'm fine but what the hell happened to you?!"

"What? Nothin- What are you talking about?"

"I can literally see your bloody bandage Y/N. Don't lie to me."

"Okay fine," you said sighing. Clint was giving you weird looks that looked like he was trying to say that Natasha was going to kill him so you frowned at him.

"Why are you looking at Clint? Did he do this to you?"

"What?! No?! Of course not!" Both of you shouted at the same time.

"Okay so what happened?"

"So... we were just doing the usual, you know, looking through the buildings and whatever, and some guy just came out of nowhere! I was like 'Woah where the hell did you come from?' and he obviously didn't answer me, instead, he just picked up some random thing from the ground and shoved it into me! He ran out afterwards so I couldn't shoot him or whatever. But hey, at least I'm not dead." You shrugged.

Natasha looked at you unamused and rolled her eyes. "I said don't lie to me and you proceeded to make up an entire story. What happened to you Y/N?"

"I am not lyin-"

"Yes you are Y/N. This base was abandoned. No agents here. So no one stabbed you. I'm going to ask you one more time. What happened?"

"If the base is abandoned then why did you guys take so long?" You said, ignoring her question.

"We took a while because this base was bigger than the rest. Their weapons weren't where you went to check. They were hidden inside so we had to go and find them. So Y/N, why is your stomach a bloody mess?"

Now everyone was listening in as they were done doing what they had to do and they also wanted to know. You didn't want everyone to find out what happened but you knew there was no use lying to Nat.

"It was Clint's fault!" You panicked, pointing at him. "He wanted to play Tag and he kept tagging me and I was chasing him and fell over a stupid metal thing onto some stupid broken pole."

Tony and Sam had burst out laughing after hearing what you said, which caused you to get annoyed at them. "And this is why I didn't want to tell you."

"So, instead of doing what you were supposed to be doing, you and Barton were playing Tag?" Steve had said.

"Actually we were done looking through the buildings." Clint pointed out.

"Oh my god, you are both children." Natasha said. "I cannot believe you stabbed yourself while you were playing Tag!"

"It's not my fault Nat!"

"Alright we're finally back!" Tony shouted.

"Wait we've been flying this while time?" You asked.

"Yes idiot, did you hit your head too?"

"Shut up Stark!" Both you and Natasha had said at the same time.

After making your way inside, you and Natasha went to your shared room where she helped you to clean up your wound and change the bandages.

"Thank you Nat, and I'm sorry for trying to lie my way out of this stupid situation."

"It's okay. But just be careful next time, yeah?" I still cannot believe you hurt yourself playing Tag, come on Y/N/N!" She said laughing.

"No stop this isn't funny Natasha!"

"Oh come on, it is a little bit," she said now trying to hide her laughter. "Fine, you wanna cuddle?" She said after seeing the look on your face.

"Always." You said, smiling.

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