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summary (nat x best friend!reader) natasha catches you stealing her hoodies.

You were standing in Natasha's walk-in closet, again, whilst she was on a mission, looking at more of her hoodies.

She had so many and you wouldn't see here wearing the same one twice so you just assumed that she wouldn't even care if you took them. You had been taking her hoodies for a few months, sneaking in when she wasn't around, and she hadn't mentioned it or even noticed. At first, you only took one every few days but now you were taking up to three everyday. Her hoodies were very comfortable to wear so it was understandable as to why she has so many. Most of her closet was full of them.

Natasha had just returned from her solo mission, a few hours earlier than she expected, so she was on her way to her room so she could take a shower and look for you.

The door to the closet opened and you threw the clothes that were in your hands onto the floor. And when Natasha walked in you knew you were caught.

'Red? What are you doing here?' You said, trying not to sound suspicious.

'What are you doing here Y/N?' She countered, narrowing her eyes.

'Well I asked you first Nat,' She rolled her eyes and said 'Well this is my room.'

'Right. I was looking for you.' That was a stupid answer.

'In my closet?' she says 'And you knew I was on a mission.'

'Wait you went on a mission and you didn't tell me?' You said placing your hand on your chest, faking hurt. 'That is so mean Natasha. How could you do that to me.'

'Don't act like you didn't know.' She said, rolling her eyes, again. 'Just tell me why you were in here' She looks around for a while before saying 'And why are my hoodies on the floor.'

'I was going to tidy it up. The last time I came in here, it was really messy so I decided to, you know, make it not messy while you were out.' You hoped that sounded convincing enough for her.

'Well you did a great job' She replied sarcastically. 'Wait what do you mean the last time? How many times have you gone through my closet?'

Rolling your eyes, you said 'Well you didn't give me time to finish cleaning it. And I meant the last time when you showed me it, remember?'

'That was almost 4 years ago.' She stated. 'Look, I really don't care why you're in here anymore. I'm going to go take a shower. So stay here and carry on being the weird person that you are or go and be weird somewhere else. But I'll come and find you when I'm done so we can do something.'

'Okay well I'm going to carry on cleaning in here so you can go now.'

'You need help.' She said as she was leaving the closet.

When you heard the shower door close, you grabbed the hoodies from the ground and walked out her closet, but dropped them again and screamed when Natasha appeared out of nowhere.

'What the fuck Natasha! What are you doing here? I thought you were in the shower. And where the hell did you come from?'

'Number one, why were you holding my clothes. Number two, you keep asking what Im doing here when you're in my room and number three, I was standing here the whole time waiting for you to try and leave.'

'I was going to wash them.' You said but it sounded more like a question.

Natasha had finally put two and two together to realise what you were doing. 'Wait, were you stealing them?'

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