new girl

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summary: (high school au) you're new to town and new to school. what happens when you bump into someone on the first day of the school.

Your parents had split up, causing you and your mom to move to another town, leaving everyone you knew behind. This also meant that you had to join another school. You didn't want to move away but your mom thought it could be a fresh start.

It was your first day at your new school and you were terrified and the fact that you were joining in the middle of the year made it even worse for you. Your mom dropped you off and you said goodbye to her before exiting the car and making your way up to the building.

When you walked inside, you expected all eyes to be on you, but luckily they weren't. You kept your head down and walked to where you knew your locker was. You turned a corner, not noticing that someone was there until you heard a small thud. Your eyes widened and you saw a red head on the floor glaring at you.

'Shit! I am so sorry. I didn't see you there.' You said looking down at her.

She slowly got up, not taking her eyes away from you and you started to feel quite intimidated by her. 'I haven't seen you around before.' She said, finally.

'Uh yeah. I just started today.' You answered.

'Well that's a great first impression.' She replied sarcastically.

You nervously chuckled 'I know and I'm really sorry for knocking you over. I should've been looking where I was going. Are you okay though?'

Before she could reply, a brunette boy came over. 'Hey Nat. Who's your new friend?'

'Hey Clint, I didn't think you were coming in today.' She said smiling. 'And this is...' Right, you hadn't exchanged names.


'Yeah, Y/N. Well I'm Natasha, and this is Clint, my best friend.

'Are you new here?' Clint asked.

'Yeah I am.' You replied. 'I should get going now. It was nice meeting you both. And again, I'm sorry for knocking you over Natasha.' You said before walking to your first class.

When you were gone, Clint turned to Natasha and said, 'She pushed you over? I didn't see any bruises on her?'

'Clint what the hell. I'm not going to beat her up for accidentally bumping into me' She said.

'Well that's what you did the last time, and the time before that, and actually the time before that too' He mumbled, earning a shove from Natasha.

'Whatever Clint. It's literally her first day, I'm going to embarrass her. Anyways, do you wanna skip first period today?'

'We skipped last time and remember how much trouble we got in.'

'You're so boring.' She said rolling her eyes. 'Fine let's go. We're already a few minutes late.'

When they walked into the classroom, the teacher wasn't in there which was strange but they didn't pay attention to it. Instead, they were looking at you. You were in Natasha's seat. No one sits in her seat. When the class saw Natasha, they all looked from her to you and feeling eyes on you, you looked up from your phone, seeing everyone looking at you.

'What are you all looking at?' Natasha said, which caused everyone to go back to what they were doing.

She and Clint made their way to where you were sitting and Natasha spoke first, saying 'First you push me to the ground, then you sit in my seat?'

'Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise anyone was sitting here.'

'Well I am. So go find somewhere else to sit.' She said, surprising you. She didn't seem that mean in the hallway.

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