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summary: Your relationship with Nat suddenly changes after a Stark party.

Tony's parties were huge and you'd been to more than you could count. When he wasn't saving the world, he was partying, which meant so were you. Apparently every Avenger had to attend his parties 'because he said so'.

Currently you were getting ready to go to another one of his parties, however you weren't dreading this one. It was a birthday party. The birthday parties that Tony threw were the best and you actually looked forward to them. It was Wanda's birthday, and even though you didn't like her very much, you were still going to go and enjoy yourself.

Natasha suddenly burst into your room, "So what are we doing today then? Wait- where are you going?" She asked, suddenly confused.

"Im going to Tony's party, why aren't you going?"

"It's not Tony's party though is it, it's Wanda's."

"Yeah well it doesn't matter, a party is a

"Oh come on just stay up here and we can hang out," she groaned.

"But I just got ready Nat," you complained. "I'll only be there for an hour or so and you know I'll leave before they cut her cake. I just want to have a few drinks then I'll be back.

"Fine," she responded.

"Fine what?"

"Fine I'll come to her stupid party."

"I wasn't even trying to convince you to come."

"Yeah well I thought hanging out with me would be enough to convince my best friend to stay with me but it's apparently not. I have to go now since you're going."

"Aww cute, you can't even go an hour without me. And stop being dramatic we're going to hang out at the party now anyway so hurry up and get ready."

She rolled her eyes at you and then dragged you out of your room into hers. "Okay now pick something for me to wear," she said as she opened the door to her walk in wardrobe.

"Yes! Okay wait here," you stepped into the closet and closed the door behind you. You looked through her clothes, trying to find a dress for her to wear when you came across a bag. You opened it, revealing a black dress that you had never seen Natasha wear before. It was long and had a slit on the side and it would look amazing on her.

"Okay come in, I found something!"

She opened the door and saw what you were holding and took it out of your hands. "There's a closet full of clothes and of course you picked the one I hid away. I'm not wearing this one."

"What? Why? What's wrong with it?"

"I look stupid wearing it and I just don't like it," she shrugged.

"I highly doubt that, look just wear it and if you still don't like it, then fine." You left her in the closet and walked out into her room, sitting on her bed.

A few minutes later, she walked out and when you looked up at her, your jaw dropped. "Wow..."

You could not stop staring, the dress hugged her curves perfectly and she looked drop dead gorgeous.

"You uh- you look great Nat," you said, finally taking your eyes away from her.

"I don't know Y/N, it doesn't feel right."

"Natasha, I'm telling you, you look amazing. Keep the dress on."

She looked at you for a minute contemplating what to do before she finally gave in, "Fine okay I'll wear this. Let me just do my make up and then we can go down."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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