laser tag

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summary: you take your girlfriend, nat, and the team to play laser tag on your day off

It was rare for everyone to be be home on the same day. There was at least someone off on a mission so when everyone was home, you all decided to do something fun to enjoy yourselves.

Everyone took it in turns to decide what to do and today was your day. On Wanda's day, she took everyone to the beach to relax. When it was Tony's turn, he thought it would be amusing to go to a trampoline park. Steve took you all to to a museum, which was by far the worst one, but they were all different ways to spend time with one another.

You woke up earlier than you usually would and got ready for the day, being careful not to wake Natasha who was asleep in your bed. When you were done, you made your way back to the bed and knelt down beside it. 'Hey Nat,' you whispered, slightly tapping her cheek, trying to wake her up without startling her.

'Hmm.' She replied with.

'Wake up, I have something planned for today. I'm going to wake everyone else so be ready when I come back. Okay?' You say quietly, knowing she would ignore you if you were too loud.

'Okay,' she said back, at the same volume.

You kissed her on the cheek and walked out the room, on your way to wake up everyone else.

You told FRIDAY to tell the rest of the team that they had an hour to get ready and be waiting in the common room.

Once you returned to your room, Natasha was out of bed and had just had a quick shower, and was now getting dressed. 'So are you going to tell me what we're doing today?'.

'No,' is all you said back.

She rolled her eyes and finished getting ready. When she was done, you both made your way downstairs, to find everyone waiting there.

You could hear them trying to guess where you were going, so you decided to just tell them.

'You're all wrong.' You announced as you walked in.

'So where are we going then?' Tony asked.

'We're going to that new laser tag place that opened.'

You saw Natasha's eyes light up when you said that. When she found out that it was opening, she kept telling you about how she wanted to go but knew that she wouldn't get the chance to, so you decided to take everyone there.

'What?! The one that opened a few days ago? How did you even manage to reserve a spot if we found out about the day off yesterday?' Sam asked.

'All I had to do was mention Tony's name and suddenly the whole day was available.' You shrugged.

'That was a bit mean though. What about the people who had reservations for today and can't go now?' Steve said.

'It's not a big deal. They probably got their money back anyway.' And with that, you all got into the many cars that were being taken and made your way there.

When you arrived, you were all greeted by the workers and given a vest with a gun attached to it.

'Usually you are given only one round, but since you have the whole day booked, you get as many as you want. Is your first round going to be in teams or all of you against each other?' He asked. You all decided that the first round would be no teams and the rest would be in different team sizes.

The rules were simple. Everyone was given 10 seconds to find a hiding space, and once that timer ended, you would all go after each other. If you were shot on the small box on the front or back of your vest, it would turn white, letting everyone know that you lost a life and for the next 3 seconds you are unable to shoot. Whoever was the last person standing would be the winner. Another rule was that if someone used their powers, they were automatically out.

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