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summary: you and nat were secretly dating, so you have to sneak out to go on dates. what happens when the team starts to get suspicious.

You had been at SHIELD for 2 years before Natasha was brought in. You and Clint were the agents assigned to pretty much take her under your wing, since you were mission partners and he was the one who decided to give her a life at SHIELD.

Natasha was quickly made an agent due to her skills and the assets she brought to SHIELD. She was one of the best agents there.

3 years after becoming an agent, Natasha, Clint and yourself were the three agents which Fury had assigned to the Avengers Initiative, when the aliens invaded New York.

After joining the Avengers, you and Natasha somehow became closer than you already were. She was already your best friend but you began seeing her as more than that. Apparently she felt the same, and you eventually got together. However, you had agreed not the tell the rest of the team about your relationship.

You had now been together for a almost 2 years and no one knew or even suspected it.

It was fun keeping your relationship but it was also quite difficult to have alone time and go out and it meant that you were constantly lying to the team.

You were currently getting ready to go bowling with Natasha when you heard a knock on your door. 'Come in,' you said to whoever was on the other side.

It was Wanda, 'Hey Y/N. Wait, are you going somewhere?'

'Hey, yeah, I'm just going to get some food for myself.' You felt bad for lying but you weren't doing any harm to anyone.

'Do you mind if I come with you?'

'I'm sorry Wanda, I'm just going to clear my head, you know, we can go another day. I'm sorry.'

'Oh no, it's fine I get it. I'll see you later Y/N.'

'Bye Wanda.'

Natasha was also getting ready for your date, in her own room, when Clint barged in.

'What do you want Barton?'

'What? No 'Hey Clint, How you doing' or 'What's up my favourite Avenger?''

'Number one, you barged into my room, you don't get a welcome and number two, you're not my favourite Avenger. Now why are you here?'

'I was coming to see if you were busy. I was gonna ask if you wanted to train with me.'

'I can't today, sorry. I'm going to the mall.' She easily lied.

'Oooh that sounds fun, can I come?'


'What?! Why? That's rude.'

'I'm going to get girl stuff. Do you still wanna come?'

'Nope. See you later.' He said hurrying out the door, whilst Natasha smirked to herself.

Half an hour later, everyone was in the main living room of the compound, everyone but you and Natasha.

'Where are Natasha and Y/N?' Tony asked, 'They're never here anymore.'

'Natasha went to the mall.' Clint said, from his seat on the sofa.

'Y/N went to go eat.' Wanda spoke up.

'I just find it weird that they are always out at the same time. Tell me I'm not the only one who's noticed.' Tony said.

'It's not just you. It's been going on for a while but no one's questioned it. What if they went together? Sam said.

'Well there's only one way to find out.' Said Tony, walking to the elevator.

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