food deliveries

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summary: you and nat have been neighbours for a while and whenever she orders food, she is is never home to collect it. this causes the delivery driver to knock and give it to you every time, so you just keep it, until one day you hear her complaining on the phone about missing food.

You were laying in bed, when you heard a knock on the door. You groaned before getting up and opening it, revealing a fast food delivery driver.

"I didn't order anything?" You say and you take the bag when he hands it to you. When you look at the address, it was for the apartment next to you. "This is for them." You say pointing towards the door.

"They're not home."

"Again?" You say to yourself before thanking the driver and going back to your room.

This had happened quite a few times before. Your neighbour, who you had never met or even seen before would always order food, but would never be home to collect it.

You realised that if it was important, they would have done something about it already but since they didn't, you just ate whatever was in the bag.

A few hours later, you heard your neighbour enter their apartment. The walls in your block were quite thin so you could hear every small movement.

You could hear your neighbour on the phone, and it sounded like she, you could hear a female voice, was complaining to someone. You heard her say that her food was never delivered to her and your eyes widened.

You felt bad now. You didn't think she would really notice. So when her phone call ended, you decided to go and talk to her.

You knocked on her door and waited a few minutes for her to answer, and when she did, you were surprised.

You didn't really know what you were expecting but the woman who opened the door was a beautiful red-head, with piercing green eyes and she had the perfect jawline. You almost forgot why you were there.

She was looking at you, waiting for you to speak, but you became nervous under her gaze and you didn't speak until she cleared her throat.

'Sorry, uh, I live in the apartment next door and I heard you on the phone, talking about how your food is never delivered to you. I don't mean to sound creepy, the walls are just really thin."

She didn't let you say anything else before she said, "I'll try to be more quiet next time, thanks for letting me know." She was closing the door, but you put your foot in between so it wouldn't close. She just looked at you and raised an eyebrow.

"No, I didn't come here to complain. I came to apologise. A bunch of times, you've ordered food and you're never home to open the door and the drivers just give it to me. So I wanted to give you- oh shit I left it- I'll be back." you say before running back to your apartment.

When you got back, your neighbour was still surprisingly waiting there. "As I was saying, here," you said handing her a few hundred dollars.

"I don't want your money."

"It's the least I can do."

"No, I'm not taking it. It's not your fault anyway. I probably would have done the same thing."

"Okay well can I make you something to eat. I assume you haven't eaten, since I did kind of eat your food."

"Okay, fine."

You both made your way to your apartment and whilst you made something for her to eat, she sat on the sofa watching TV.

Once you were done, you handed her the plate and sat next to her. While she ate, you both were just talking until she said, "I didn't catch your name."


She put her hand out for you to shake and when you did, she said, "Natasha."

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