Chapter 9- Paige

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Well dinners done. I had an hour nap, but I still can't get that obnoxious guy out of my head. Just the thought of him drives me insane. He thinks he's just so tough.  I walked over to my mom on the couch, while her and I ate dinner. My dad normally eats dinner inside his office at home and Matthew was inside his room still playing with his toys because he ate something earlier.  I lowered my fork and put it on my plate.

"Mom, I sprained my arm in art class." I said, ashamed.

My mom shakes her head.

"What did you do?" she asks.

"I fell out of my chair." I replied. "Yes, I'm dumb."

If I wasn't thinking so much, and focusing on my art, it wouldn't have happened. I hope I don't even see him tomorrow, but then again I want to nag him about why he wasn't there after first period. I also wonder why Chrisanna wasn't at school. I didn't see her around either. She normally hangs out with her group of friends at school the whole day, and after school. No way!!! They didn't ditch together did they? Ugh. I hate her and he gets on my last nerve. Why won't he ever be mature? Like staying in school and not shooting glares at everything he comes across.

"Go get some rest Paige, your arm needs to heal. And, it won't heal if you're always up and doing things." My mom says.

I nod.

I go upstairs and pass my brothers room.

"Paige!" he yelled.

I retrace a few steps back and stop in his doorway.

"Yes, matty?" I ask.

"Now can we play monster trucks?" he asks as he smiles wide.

Sure, what have I got to lose? I wouldn't want to upset my brother.

"Okay, but just for a little" I say, with a warm smile.

He runs up and gives me a big hug and we both went to sit on opposite sides of his toys.

"Alright, let's get monster truckin'"

He smiles and shouts, "YEAH!!!" excitedly.

I pick up one of his toy trucks with the arm that's not hurting and make 'vrooming' sounds. The basic rule of this game that my brother made up is that you have to crush the other monster trucks to get by them which means to slam against his other toy trucks. After an hour of playing with him it was his bed time.

"Go brush your teeth, it's my turn to tuck you in" I say.

"Okay" he says as he gets up and runs into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, he runs downstairs to where mom and dad are and gives them a hug and kiss and runs back in here and gives me a hug and kiss too, and jumps into his bed. His pajamas already on. I tuck him in and kiss him on the forehead.

"I love you, matty" I say as I shut off his light.

"I love you, paigey" he says back to me.

I close the door. As I go downstairs, I hear a knock at the door. Hm? I wonder who that could be this late.

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