Chapter 2

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We pull up to the venue and Chloe jumps out of the uber leaving me to thank the driver and pay, she's like a child right now. Her smile is wide and contagious, her excitement seeping out of every pore in her body. She jumps up and down and does a little squeal.

She pulls the tickets up on her phone and drags me to the entrance of the venue.
The queue is super long but we are about 50 from the front, I guess I didn't make us late after all.

Chloe is talking non stop now as we stand in the queue to show our tickets, she's waffling on about something Sam said in an interview and how cute he is, she's not wrong he is cute, but she is talking a mile a minute here!!

Her back is to the road and I'm facing her. I'm obviously not listening because my mind is miles away and her voice sounds like an annoying sqeek, like a mouse.

I'm watching cars drive by and not really paying attention, my eyes are going fuzzy and I try to regain focus. While Chloe is still jabbering my eyes settle on a car, its not new or fancy it's just a beat up car, but inside the car my eyes have locked with the most beautiful brown eyes, I know them...Jake Kiszka is staring back at me, he has his hood pulled up but I'd know him anywhere.

He's holding my gaze and a glimmer of a smirk crosses his lips as he looks me up and down, someone is nudging him from the passengers side trying to get his attention.

I start to flail my hand without breaking eye contact, trying to reach Chloe's shoulder to get her to look. The silly cow won't shut up talking and notice me, I divert my eyes and say " Chloe turn around and look into that car, NOW"

We both turn our eyes to the road, the traffic is clear and cars are flying by with ease now. He's gone....

"What am I supposed to be looking at Lana?? There's no car, what was so great about it, who was in it?"

"Chloe, please believe me, I swear it was Jake"

"Jake who?" She makes a brief pause and says "Not Jake,Jake...Not your Jake"

"Well he's not my Jake, though I wish he was" I laugh. "But yea Chloe, he was driving an old car, we just locked eyes... I mean I'm pretty sure it was him. No it was him, I'm sure it was" I say, my hand raising to my forehead, not believing my own story.

"Oh shit, Lana, we have to beat our way up front, he will remember your gorgeous face, and sexy leather pants, maybe we can get backstage and I can meet Josh!"

I'm blushing, Chloe always boosts my ego, always complimenting me, telling me I'm gorgeous, but she has far more hope that Jake will remember me than I do.

"As if Chloe, he was obviously just waiting to see would I scream and wave like any other fan would do, he was afraid of being noticed."

We finally get to the top of the queue, our excited chatter continuing until a big burly security guard that is standing at the entrance gives us a onece over and makes a loud grunt to get our attention, he asks to have a look in our handbag, checking for drugs or alcohol I assume, and then checks our tickets. He gives us one last look up and down and waves us through the barricade.

"Girl go get us drinks, I'm going straight to the front of stage and keeping our spaces. I want a beer." She tells me, she then sprints off and out of view from me.

As I'm standing there looking around at all the vendors with their food and beer stalls I begin to feeling dizzy, the excitement, the smell of beer and fries, the closeness of all the other concert goers is making me feel light headed and overheated.. it could also be the fact I haven't eaten today so I could fit into these god awful tight leather pants. The things we women do to look good!!!

I walk to a metal fence that's close by and place both my hands on it...with my head bending down towards the floor I take a few deep breaths trying to groud myself. My hands are so sweaty I can feel them slipping on the cold metal, my grip loosens and I feel myself drop to the damp grass.

*15 minutes later*

"What.. where am I? What happened?" I start to mumble to myself as my eyesight focuses on my surroundings.

" Oh god I don't need to be here, I'm fine honestly, I think I just passed out a little." I say as I see a male nurse sitting beside me checking my vitals... it seems I've been taken somewhere on the concert grounds to be checked up on, how bloody embarrassing.

" Miss have you taken anything? Have you eaten today? I'm betting not because your blood sugars are very low, that's what's caused you to faint. You seem to be OK now but I'd advise you get some food and a sugary drink when you leave here." He says rather sternly at me.

My cheeks are flaming red and my heart is beating hard like a bongo in my chest. I want the ground to swallow me up, how many people seen me fainting, where does Chloe think I am...

I start to get up from the first aid bed and throw my feet down on the floor, feeling better now, I am ready to get back to Chloe and see our boys performing on stage.

"Thank you for looking after me, I'm going to head back out now.. thanks." I say while averting my eyes and leaving the tent before he can say another word to me.

I rush over to the nearest stall selling alcohol, steadying myself against the makeshift bar I ask for 2 beers, pay and run to find Chloe.

As I push through the crowd I try not to make eye contact with anyone in particular, who knows which of them seen me faint on my ass a few minutes ago, I do not want some drunk idiot coming over asking am I OK!!

The crowd has all gathered at the stage as the opening act is coming to a close, they are anticipating the boys from Greta Van Fleet being out soon and their bodies are firmly stuck together.. not allowing people to move in on their patch or get in the way of their view of the stage.

I have one small problem in this moment, I'm carrying 2 bottles of beer and trying to pry between everyone to get to Chloe up front...
How in the hell am I going to reach her now.....??

I whip out my phone and dial her number, waiting as it rings out... I call her once more and her face appears on the screen.

"Where are you?" She says, barely audible.

"I fainted Chloe, now I'm stuck in the back, but I've got beer..." I'm talking loud but she still hangs up the phone.

"Fuck sake Chloe" I say under my breath and try to call her again.

Suddenly I hear my name being called and see Chloe above the whole crowd waving frantically at me.

"Typical Chloe, she has already found a guy" I mumble as I make my way over towards her direction, pushing and shoving through crowds and crowds of girls.

How many women are here to shoot their shot and try get attention, I think, while still battling through.

Surely enough when I reach Chloe she's sitting on the shoulders of a tall guy with broad shoulders and gorgeous tan skin. I look at her and say "Typical".

Chloe just laughs at me.

Just then I hear a loud cheer from the crowd and whip my head around... forgetting all about Chloe and her arm candy.

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