Chapter 3

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Chloe is still on the shoulders of this guy.. where she found him from I'll never know. She is screaming along with the crowd and waving like a loonatic to get the boys attention.

There is some chatter between the 4 guys as they set up for their first song and before I know it music begins to play, I stand mesmerised as Josh Kiszka begins singing,

"Sorrows of the Earth
May our tears of rain wash down to bathe you
This is what life is worth
When the fires still burn and rage all around"

The melody is truly moving through my body and Josh's voice is sending shivers down my spine. I take a swig of my beer and come to life, I'm swaying to the music and singing my heart out with my eyes glued shut, Chloe really came through because we are right at the front of the stage, there is no one between us and the band.

I open my eyes and look to the stage again, watching each of them do what they do best. I do wish I was on someone's shoulders too so I could be more easily noticed like Chloe was. Regardless I continue to watch the show in front of my eyes and sing along.

As my eye lands on Jake I watch him rocking his guitar, in those unbelievably tight pants he wears I feel my eyes dart down to his zipper area and take a good look at what he's working with, not too shabby from what I can see. Slowly I travel my eyes back up his body, his bare chest is on display and it doesn't disappoint, I can see the faint line of hair from his navel going down below his belt buckle.. I wonder how it would feel to run my fingers along it.

Snapping out of it  my eyes are back on his face and for the tiniest of seconds his eyes meet mine, the hint of a smile on his lips.

FIREWORKS, my body is electrified and I'm buzzing from head to toe. I look away from the heat of his gaze, and look back again, he still watching me, his eyes travelling to my cleavage and back to my face, he gives a wide dazzling smile, a wink and moves his eyes from me to the crowd.

A girl next to me screams to her friend "Jake just winked at me OMG!!" and I resist the urge to tell her she's sorely mistaken and it was me he winked at.

I continue to watch him, doubting now if it was me Jake had his eyes on.. but he doesn't meet my gaze again.

Slightly disappointed, and unsure of myself I look away and let the music take hold of my body again. I'm swaying my hips and singing, and laughing with my best friend while we enjoy the show, Chloe grinds on me a few times to try catch an eye from one of the band members on stage. She has been trying desperately to get Joshs attention without any luck.

I decide not to tell her what I think happened with Jake, she would probably think I was imagining it or trying to rub it in her face. We can just go back to the hotel, get sloshed on shots and talk about the music, I don't see the night ending any other way, unfortunately.

We both scream out " Can you feel my love, rising with the heat above" getting lost in the music and having fun just us girls.

Before long the show is coming to a close. The boys play the last song of the night and thank the fans for coming out.

Chloe is crying, literal tears, the show was amazing and no one wanted it to end. And just like that it was over all of a sudden.

We make our way back the way we came in, being swept along by the crowd. I book an uber and we stand out front and light a cigarette while we wait. We pass it back and forward, taking long drags that burn our throat.. we needed the nicotine after having none for the last 3 hours.

The uber picks us up and it only takes 10 minutes to get back to the hotel. The roads are quiet now as the crowd from the concert has cleared off.

I look out the window at all the buildings flying by me, still on a high from the night. I turn to Chloe as we pull up to the hotel and say "Shots!!". She laughs as we walk into the bar of the hotel.

It's not super busy, there's a few people sitting at the bar and a crowd over at a booth.
We make our way to the bar and order 2 silver bullets and down them, Chloe immediately asks for 2 more and we down those too.

I order 2 jack and cokes, Chloe pays the bill this time and we head out to the smoking area.

As we sip our drinks Chloe is sitting with her cigarette in one hand and her drink in the other. I climb up suddenly on the picnic table  and burst into the chorus if tears of rain,

" And the planet is still turning
And the faces are still burning
And the mothers with their children
Search for the raaaaiiinnn"

Acting like I'm holding onto a microphone and with my eyes screwed shut... she's doubled over laughing at me and then she sits up and stops... her eyes are focused behind me and her face is pure white.

  I continue to sing and jump making our table shake, almost spilling the drinks. I was trying to get her attention back on me when I hear..
" You are going to give me a run for my money with that rendition, Mama"

I dart my head around and there watching me is Josh and Jake with huge smiles, their eyes glued on me and in the back Sam and Danny are sniggering and nudging each other.

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