Chapter 6

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The journey to the villa was long and tireing. I felt like the biggest third wheel that no one wanted around. Chloe and Sam were all over each other and super annoying to be around. I chose a seat on the plane as far away as I could from the two.

Josh, Jake and Danny sat together on the right hand side of the plane, leaving one seat for me beside Chloe and Sam, I looked at the pair kissing and mauling eachother and asked the flight attendant if I could have a seat in the back. She didn't mind as the flight wasn't full.

I had a whole row to myself and when the seatbelt sign went up I stretched out across the 3 chairs. My headphones on and trying to get some sleep.

The boys came back to check on me every now and then, Danny sat with me and played a game of eye spy. He's becoming my favourite person to be around. He's quiet and also seems loyal. He gave me a hug and went back to his seat to sleep after a while.

Jake comes down to me at some point, he scoots in right next to me. His thigh pressing on mine. He leans in and whispers "Wanna make out?" His warm breath washes over my neck and makes me blush. He's so forward, I don't, not like it, but I'm not used to that kind of thing.

"Go away Jake I want to try get some more sleep" I  say half laughing at him.

"Come here and you can have a nap on my lap, a lap nap." and he gyrates his hips a bit.

I shove him hard and he laughs at the situation. Oh god he's so hot.

Josh is walking by, going to the bathroom I think. He sees Jakes hip movements and rolls his eyes, looking pissed off and keeps walking.

"Go back to your seat Jake and I'll call you if I need your services...for napping." I chucke and he gets up and walks away. Turning just once to give me a wink.

After that I fall asleep and don't wake up until I feel the air hostess tapping my shoulder to get me to buckle my belt as we're about to land.

We gather our bags and head out to our cars. I'm driving one and Jake is driving the other. He makes some joke about racing me there and that women can't drive anyway.

Not taking the bait I follow his car to the villa. The lovebirds are in the backseat making me sick with their PDA. I crank the radio and block them out. Enjoying the feeling of the warm wind blowing through the open window and the scenery around me.


"I saw what you were doing Jakey, it's a bit forward don't ya think? Pumping your hips in the back of the airplane. What were you thinking? That she would suck you off right there?"

Jake averts his eyes from the road and gives me a shocked look. My use of words seems to have offended him but his actions back there were worse. He is looking for some sexual play thing, he's my twin after all, I know what he's like.

This girl is different though, I want to protect her, and I don't want my brother to get the girl again. As usual.

"Calm down Josh. I was only joking, she knew that. Don't have a crush do we now Josh??"

He knows me just as well, reading my true feelings from my tone.

"How about we see who can get her first? Unless you don't think you can get her at all?"

" I'm not playing games with her life Jake, she has feelings and I'm not going to break her heart, and I won't let you either"

"Okay okay. I'm kidding." He says with a grin and looks back at the road.


When I pull up at the villa it is bigger than I expected. There's a huge gate out front that slowly opens as we pull up. Fancy. I pull the car in the drive, get out and throw the keys to Sam.

I watch as the boys unload the cars and drop the luggage in the hall, chloe racing upstairs to check out the rooms. She shouts "Sam, I found our room" and I walk away towards the back of the house.

I see the pool, it's ocean blue and sparkling. It looks so refreshing and cool. I walk out into the heat and dip my hand in the water.

A sudden urge takes me and I start to strip. I kick my sliders off, quickly pull my loose basketball shorts off me and stand there in my underwear and oversized t-shirt.

"What are you doing Lana? Lana?" Chloe is calling me from her balcony.

Jake whistles at me and I don't turn back to look at any of them. I just throw my t-shirt on the ground and jump into the pool. I let my body sink to the bottom and then float back up. Lying flat on my back with my eyes closed.

I feel splashes around me and realise all 4 four boys have jumped in after me, all stripped down to their boxers.

Well this is a sight I will never ever forget, all 4 are wet and the water is glistening off their bodies. I genuinely don't know which one to look at, I find myself crossing my legs tightly when I look at the twins.. I feel bad even thinking about them BOTH!!

Jake is on Sam's shoulders playing around and Danny comes behind me, dives under my legs. Im on his shoulders now and he's heading straight for Sam and Jake.

We wrestle to knock each other over, playing 3 rounds, me and Danny win.

After our game they all head in to the villa to get some beers, it's just me left in the pool. My fingers are starting to wrinkle so I decide to get out.

I can feel someone's eyes on me as I carefully climb the ladder out if the water. Looking up I see Josh is standing nearby with a plush white towel held out, waiting to wrap me up in it.

I walk to him and let him envelop me in the towel, he rubs his hands over my arms to dry me off and I stand staring at his face.

My eyes trace over his perfect pouty lips, his cupids bow is so pretty. His eyes are dark and deep and I feel myself getting lost in them.

 His eyes are dark and deep and I feel myself getting lost in them

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♡♡(I can't deal with his prettiness. He's stunning)♡♡

His eyes watch me study his face, we don't move for a very long time it feels like, I move my head a fraction closer and he moves his too. Now there is only millimetres between our lips.

"JOSH, COME'RE WERE DOING SHOTS" Sam shouts from the back door.

My forehead falls into his shoulder and I let out a groan of annoyance. I pull myself away from him and walk to the house, not looking back at him. I bypass the group sitting drinking and head upstairs. Looking for the room my bags have been thrown in.

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