Chapter 4

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The twins walk over to where I'm standing on the table and grab an arm each... they lift me down from the picnic bench and I automatically sit on the seat. My heartbeat is in my ears and I'm shaking from the shock.

Chloe is her usual self " Oh my god, what are you guys doing here... We were just at your show"

"Yeah I know" comes out of Jakes mouth...

I turn my eyes to Chloe and we give each other wide eyes.

"So you did see us?" She says...

I want to dissappear.. she makes it so obvious we were trying to grab their attention.

"Well you were pretty hard to miss"

Another wide eyed look goes between me and Chloe and I know Jake was the one speaking again even though I was looking at my shoes.
I glance up and he's grinning at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Hey do you girls want another drink" Josh butt's in and I say yes immediately, wanting one more for confidence.

I excuse myself to the bathroom, Chloe in her element sitting with Jake and Danny as Josh and Sam go get drinks. I can hear her laughter as I walk away to find the toilets.

I look at myself in the mirror... my mascara is slightly smudged so I fix it and run my hands through my hair. I take a few breaths and top up my lip gloss..  its tingly on my lips, and they start to plump up.


I cannot belive I am sitting here with Jake and Danny, this is a pinch me moment.
Turns out I'm not dreaming though. The pair have been quizzing me on what I thought of the gig.

"It was amazing, you boys played so good, and Josh was amazing as usual"

I obviously gave something away when mentioned Josh because they both looked at each other and smiled and Danny said

"So someone is fan girling over Josh, what's new there" while throwing his eyes to the sky.
Jake leans his face on his 2 hands and bats his eyelids, clearly mocking me now.
"Oh Joshua, your so dreamy" he says in a high pitched tone.

Josh and Sam walk out the doors of the hotel at this moment and snigger at Jakes face,

"What's going on here, what's with the face Jakey"

"Well Sam, Chloe here has been telling us about her huge crush on Josh and how she wants to marry him and have his babies."

I give Jake a hard kick under the table and a death stare. This is not how I wanted to approach Josh.

"Don't mind them, all I said was I thought you were amazing out there tonight Josh"

A deep pink creeps up Josh's cheeks and he brushes it off saying "Thanks, now who is going to take some shots."

"We have to wait for Lana, she won't want to miss this with all you boys"


Happy with my appearance and much calmer I make my way back to the smoking area, my legs a little wobbly with nerves.
When I walk through the door everyone turns to look at me and Sammy shouts "finally, were waiting to do shots, hurry up!!"
We all shoot down 3 tequila shots, one after another, and I'm feeling a bit less nervous.

"Hey, let's play a game, let's play truth or dare to get to know each other"
This is Chloe's genius idea, definitely hoping she will get to kiss any one of boys at some stage.

"OK Chloe, truth or dare?"


"Is it true you want to marry Josh and have his babies?" I say, nudging Danny.

Jake and Danny howl with laughter and Chloe knows one of them has told me what happened earlier, clearly trying to wind her up.

"I don't want to have his babies or get married but I do want to take him back to our room tonight!"

All of us let out an "ooooooo" and Josh just laughs it off.

"OK Jake if you had to sleep with someone here who would it be, Sam pipes up.

"Ermm...Definitely Danny."

"Come on don't try get out of it" the youngest brother presses him again.

"OK, it has to be the showoff over there, how could anyone turn down that rendition of tears of rain"

He looks at me, his grin is pure evil and it sends a spark up my thighs and between my legs.
I look around at everyone and catch Josh's eyes darting from me to Jake and back again. He grabs his beer and takes a large gulp.

"OK, Sam, truth or dare?" Says Josh.

"Dare, I'm not a pussy like the rest of you"

"OK I dare you to kiss Chloe, with tongue"

Sam jumps up and pulls Chloe from her chair, he gives her a passionate kiss, Chloe doesn't pull away at all and let's us all sit there watching them go at it.
When they pull away Sam bounds back to his spot and Chloe looks very flustered.

"Lana, truth or dare?"

"Dare I suppose Jake."

"I dare you to kiss me"

My cheeks flush and my knees feel weak, I stand up and walk over to him and he pulls me down onto his lap, he wraps his one arm around my back and the other goes to trace my bottom lip, he looks into my eyes and then at my mouth. His lips lightly ghost over mine, preparing me for our kiss.

" Jesus, what the fuck Josh" Jake jumps up from the seat and I go flying off his lap, Josh's beer has spilled all over the table and Jakes trousers.

"Sorry, it slipped" I can't read his facial expression, but if I had to say it would be pissed off.

The brothers stare at each other intensly, its like they are having a conversation with their eyes, some kind of twin connection.

Jake snaps his head away from Josh and walks to where I am... his lips are on mine, hard, his tongue pushing through my lips roughly, and his hand is in my hair. I can feel his annoyance with Josh through the kiss, it's a bit more aggressive than I'd like but still can't help but melt inside. This is what I've dreamed about for so long.

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