Chapter 8

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- Jake-

I wake up on the floor of my en suite my arm wrapped around the toilet. The smell of vomit is in my hair and on my clothes. I stand up and take a look at myself in the mirror. I look how I feel... like shit.

Turning the shower on I strip out of yesterday's clothes and test to see if the water is warm enough. I climb in and let the water wash over me. The sensation clearing my head slightly.

Flashbacks from the night before come hard and fast.

Lana in a white dress, the shape of her body visible through the fabric as she walks by the fire and sits next to me.
The heat of her body next to me and the touch of her hand in mine.
Kissing her on the sofa. Pushing her against the wall, her nipples stiffening as I kiss her neck.

Josh pulling me away.
The look in her face.
The understanding she shows with that look. My brother pushing me aggressively.

Each flash of memory makes me want to be sick again. How could I have screwed things up so badly. The girl is amazing, I want to be with her, physically, emotionally. But so does Josh. I know that without a doubt.

Now I've given her more reason to run to him. He would never get drunk and take things too far. He's too goody goody.

I'm just too used to getting what and who I want. No one has ever turned me down, usually the girls are grateful for the attention. They initiate sex and I don't have to try.

After my shower I dress and go downstairs. She isn't there. All the others are at the table and turn to stare at me. Chloe is looking at me with her eyes narrowed and I know its about to get crazy.

She stands up and starts to shout "You fucking dick Jake. You hurt my best friend, I'm going to fucking hurt you" She lunges at me but Sam grabs her by the waist before she can do anything. Her arms are flying to try to get at me, at any part of me.

"Look I didn't mean for things to go too far. It's no excuse but I was so drunk. I just got carried away, I would never intentionally hurt Lana"

"Oh so you didn't bet Josh you could get into her knickers first??" She screams again still being held back.

I flash a glance at Danny knowing he had said something. He was the only other person in the car with us. Fucking big mouth had to say it to Sam.

"What the fuck..."

Oh shit

I turn and there she is, tears are streaming down her face and she's coming at me.
She pushes me and says "that was all for a bet? You were forcing yourself on me before Josh had a chance am I right?"

Josh is standing now. "Lana that's not true, that was a joke, he was joking, we were just off a long flight and..."

"Joking..JOKING? So I'm the butt of a joke now too?"

"Lana just lis.." I start.

"Don't tell me to listen, and don't make excuses for your behaviour, your pigs, the both of you, PIGS." She's pointing at me and Josh.

"YOU tried to kiss me after he left last night, seizing your opportunity huh?" She screams at Josh. Her hands are moving up and raking through her hair. I've never seen anyone this upset and angry.

I whip my head towards him and his cheeks are burning. He tried to kiss her too... right after what happened. This is so fucked up. Lana walks over to Josh and slaps him hard across the face.

Danny grabs her hand and leads her upstairs away from us, her head turned into his shoulder and I can hear her light sobs.


I walk into Danny's room and flop down on his bed. Grabbing one of his pillows I cover my face and scream with all my breath.

"Lana, I know you don't want to hear this but I think it's all a big mistake, Jake gets lots of girls, that's true but I don't think they were really betting on you"

"OK well show me your cock and I'll go discuss length and girth with Chloe and see how you feel, shall I?"

"Girth?" He says looking worried.

"It matters" I smirk as I say it, trying to keep serious as he still looks concerned about this revelation.

"It would hurt you Danny, and that's how I feel. It's like I'm an object to them, not a living feeling being, just something to be had and used."

"OK I get what your saying, but we're here for a week, can't you find a way to forget it and move on, I mean it's already awkward as it is."

"I'll never speak to them again, they can fuck right off, but I'm not letting those arseholes ruin this for me" I say and Danny comes over and dives on top of me in the bed. He pulls me into a tight friendly hug and I hug back just as tight.

The door knocks and he pulls away a bit but still keeps me in his embrace "what" he says and Josh walks in, his eyes like saucers when he sees us in bed together.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to kiss you. There's no excuse for our behaviour and I'm sorry, again"

I don't look at him, I say "fine" and grab Danny harder and wrap my leg around him. He let's out a sweet laugh and Josh just stares at us. "You can go now" I snap.

As he leaves Danny gets up and sits beside me "that was kinda mean Lana, good for you." I smile at him and he says "he is going to think we we're fooling around though, you know that don't you?"


"Eewww" He says..

One look between us and we're laughing hysterically again. The idea of anything further happening between us making us both cringe.

God I love this man, I never want to loose his friendship.

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