Chapter 5

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When Jake and I pull away I stare up into his eyes, he gives me a devilish look and runs his hand down the side of my body causing me to shiver. This cannot be real life.

Everyone whistles and jeers us, Chloe giving me a wide eyed look with a massive smile.
I notice that someone is missing from the group.

"Where is Josh?"

"He stormed off while Jake had his tongue down your throat" Says Danny, he looks slightly worried about his bandmate.

We all sit back at the table and keep drinking. My mind wandering every so often to why Josh didn't want to see his brother happy.

-The next morning-

I wake up with a mouth like sandpaper and Im in the bathtub..

I climb out and don't bother to look at myself in the mirror. Opening the door I'm met with our room in utter chaos. The mini bar is empty and Chloe is fast asleep on the bed with only her thong on.

On the mirror of the vanity is a phone number with the words "We're gone down for breakfast, meet us at the diner across the street, if not then call me and we can do this again sometime - Sam"

I kick Chloe's foot that's hanging off the end of the bed and she sits up with fright, I throw her a shirt that was on the floor, "put those bad boys away" I sneer.

"What the fuck happened last night? I woke up in the bath"

"You don't remember anything?"

"Not much Chloe just fill me in please, my head is going to explode, and look at the lipstick all over the mirror... I'm not cleaning that shit"

"Crap, get dressed were going to the diner, ill fill you in on the way, I hope they aren't gone"
Chloe only noticing the message now.

I pull on my huge grey hoodie and leggings with my converse. My hair is in a pile on top of my head and I look like shit. Chloe's not looking much better than but me we head for the diner all the same.

"What? You fucked Sam?? What happened to being in Josh's Lane??" I pause and say "did you make me sleep in the bath so you could get your hole?"

"It just happened, Josh had no interest but Sam was gagging for it so why not Lana, you were a drunk mess, I couldn't let you go back to one of the boys rooms, I had to keep you safe and the bath was the best option."

"There's something else, he asked me to come spend the week with him, they are leaving tomorrow"

"Shit Chloe, that's amazing, are you gonna go? Where is it?" I say, really wanting to ask her what I'm supposed to do, we have our room booked for the rest of the weekend and we're planning to do some fun stuff. I don't want to take this opportunity from her so I keep my mouth shut.

"I haven't said yes, it's Spain though Lana, they are renting some private villa, Sam says they need a break and it's a quiet place, they just get to chill without any craziness."

I don't say too much, just "Wow chloe thats so cool" as we walk across the road now to where the boys are.

- Josh-

I can see the girls walking up to the diner, it feels like we've known them much longer than one night, Sam and Jake won't shut up about which one is hotter. Danny interjects between the two of them going back and forth and says "I'd do both.. at the same time".

I can't help but laugh along with my brothers at this, I did not expect that from Daniel.

"Why didn't I think of that" Sam says his head in his hands, as if he had even the slightest chance of that happening.

"Incoming" Says jake when he sees the girls headed our way.

She sits across from me, fiddling with a strand of hair that has come loose. She looks beautiful. Her dark lashes flutter as she looks up and straight at me. I squirm under her gaze and look down at my coffee on the table. Fucking coward!

The blonde one clears her throat... as if to catch everyone's attention she starts to speak

"Sam, I'll come to Spain with you, as long as Lana can come too.."

"Wait what.. whose coming with us"

"Chloe I never said I wanted to go with you"

"I'm not going without you so if Sam wants me there you're coming"

"Sam what the fuck this was supposed to be a guys trip"

"I don't mind if she comes" Jake pipes up.


Chloe is a loyal ass friend, I should have known she wouldn't leave me stranded here while she swans off to Spain.

Everyone is shouting about who is going where and I shuffle down lower in my seat, my knees rubbing off Josh's. He just gives me a understanding smile and nudges my knees back.

I hear Jake say he doesn't mind if I come, I quickly look at him and he is looking at me like I'm a deer and he's a lion, stalking his prey. I give him a nervous smile and look at my fingernails.

Sam, and Jake argue with Danny who is adamant that we aren't going, eventually it's been decided and Danny has given in. Funny though Josh never gave his opinion, he just sat and let them fight it out.

Looks like we're all going to Spain together.

The boys are going to leave us alone, they are heading out to sort out whatever is needed for the trip tomorrow and the two extra passengers coming with them.

Chloe stands up to hug Sam goodbye and Jake wraps his arms around me and gives me a squeeze, this is unexpected. Josh is standing facing me and just stares at me, his eyes locked on mine and he doesn't break contact.... The intensity of his look making me feel funny like my stomach is doing flips, I have to look away. I almost feel guilty for hugging his brother.. like I'm doing something wrong.

Chloe was the one with a thing for Josh, not me, I was obsessed with Jake. Even though she slept with Sam, Chloe would hate me for even thinking about liking Josh that way... so I don't... I definitely don't like Josh!!!

Now to make myself believe it.

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