61. Be mine?

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"I called you as soon as I read the email. It's crazy. They want the base to be from New York from now on." Sophie explains into the phone.

"I know it's going to be hard making a decision, but this is definitely the next big step." Brody reasons. "They want to expand the company further than online."

"I always hoped it would happen someday, just- I didn't expect it so soon." Sophie says honestly.

"These people you're in business with are the best of the best, they wouldn't make this decision if it wasn't the right one." He explains.

Sophie nods. "The babies are still so little though, Dad."

"I know." Brody sympathises. "Maybe you just need to sit down and work this all out. What are Braxton's plans?"

"I guess I don't really know. I think we both assumed we'd live steady for a while, everything has been so great between us and the triplets. We're in a routine." Sophie explains and bites her nails.

"Would he ever move to New York?"

"I don't think so." Sophie explains. "He is not a city man." She sighs. "And I could never move the kids away from him."

"So you're leaning towards a no?"

"I'm going to need as much time as possible to think this over." Sophie sighs. "I need to make a pro and con list, then talk to Braxton."

"What am I going to do?" Emma asks. "You'd think after all those years in school I'd know by now what I wanted." She sighs.

"Don't force yourself into making a decision, take some time and just consider all you options." Audrey reasons.

Emma nods. "A pro, con list. That's what I need."

"Hi." Collin says approaching the girls in the cafe.

"Hey." Audrey greets.

"I have to go. Bye Audrey." Emma says before standing up and leaving.

"I'll talk to you later." Audrey says.

"She's still mad at me?" Collin sighs.

"I guess so." Audrey replies.

"My life is just- it's a mess." Collin explains.

"For once it's not me." Audrey chuckles.

Collin narrows his eyes at her.

"Sorry." She mutters. "What's wrong?"

"What do I do with my life?" Collin asks. "I can't think of one single thing that I want to do."

"Like job wise, career wise or college wise?"

"Everything." Collin says laying back on the sofa. "I don't want to make the wrong decision."

"Just don't rush it." Audrey reasons. "Consider every opportunity you may want to take, then rule things out from there."

"So..." Sophie starts and takes a seat on the sofa. Braxton sits in the play pen with the triplets while they drink their bottles.

"Yes?" Braxton questions looking over at her.

"What are you plans now that we're finished school?" Sophie asks trying act casually.

Braxton raises an eyebrow. "I have a few ideas, I guess. I'm not one hundred percent sure though. Why?"

"I mean, I guess it's just something we need to have a discussion about." Sophie explains.

"Yeah, I guess." Braxton agrees. "Do you have something you want to tell me?"

The 6 from Kinlop Bay. [book1]Where stories live. Discover now