6. Alcohol, Pizza and Cigarettes.

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Sunday - afternoon

'What time tomorrow?' Audrey texts Jake. 

'I won't be at school' Jake replies. 

'After school?' 

'No.' Jake responds. 

Audrey sighs. 

'Where are you?' 

'Home' Jake responds. 

Audrey puts her phone in her pocket. She puts on her jacket and walks downstairs. 

"Noah?" She calls. 

"Living Room." He says. 

Audrey stands in the door frame of the living room. 

"I'm going out for a bit, text me if you need me." Audrey says. 

Noah nods and Audrey walks out the front door. 

Audrey takes a deep breath feeling intimidated while she looks at the large white mansion in front of her. She takes a deep breath and walks up the path. 

She stands in front of the front door. Audrey presses the doorbell. She steps back a few steps and waits. 

Just before she presses the doorbell again the door opens. 

Daniel Mills stands behind the door. 

"Who are you?" 

"Audrey." Audrey says awkwardly. 

"Well, tell me what you want." 

"I'm a friend of Jake's, is he here?" Audrey asks. 

Daniel laughs. "Jake won't be here ever again." Daniel says. 

Audrey frowns. 

"Daniel, who's at the door?" 

The door gets slammed in Audrey's face. Audrey sighs and turns around. She starts walking towards the car. 

"Wait!" Jessica says rushing out of her house. 

Audrey turns around. 

"Mrs Mills?" Audrey says. 

"Hi." Jessica says walking over to Audrey. "I'm so sorry about him." 

"No, it's okay." 

Jessica shakes her head. "You said you're a friend of Jakes?" 

Audrey nods. "I'm Audrey." 

Jessica smiles, "Nice to meet you." 

"You too." Audrey agrees. 

"I thought I should tell you Jake left." 

Audrey frowns, "What do you mean?" 

"He got into a heated with fight with Daniel about-" Jessica stops herself, "I can't even remember." She plays off. 

Audrey nods. 

"Then he left and I've tried calling but he won't pick up. I gave him some money so he should be fine if he doesn't spend it all." Jessica says. 

"Do you know where he is?" Audrey asks. 

"My guess would be my apartment, I use to have photography sessions in there." Jessica says as she pulls out her phone. 

"If you put your phone number in I will message you the address." Jessica says. 

Audrey nods and puts her phone number in Jessica's phone. 

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