After New York.

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Summary: fame changed her, everything went out of track ever since she came back from New York.

[18+] smut scene - spitting, fingering, dirty talk, language.

Not proofread.

You were so proud of her - your girlfriend of 2 years. You praised just the way she is. You've been there by her side the entire time she went through the ups and downs of her life, especially her career.

You stood there, close enough when the two of you only had these four walls to yourself and far enough from her when the eyes of the world were on her - like an invisible glass.

You witnessed her transition from the kpop star to the world's best model. Wearing those expensive diamonds scattered all over her soft skin.

I'm so proud of you.

Every time she flew away from you, it's always felt like a final goodbye. You counted every day of when she's thousands of miles distant from you, you counted every step she's taken as she left the front of the house you shared with her.

Recently, the blonde had a flight to New York and stayed there for nearly two weeks. Like you usually did, you went on with a day in your life while waiting for the right time to hear her voice since the time zone difference can't cooperate. You missed her a lot - deep down at the nook of your heart, you wished Roseanne wouldn't have to be so busy so she will have more time for you. Nevertheless, you knew how important all of this was to your girlfriend, she's living the life she dreamt of.

You promised her that by the time she's back from the city that never sleeps, you're going to have your driving license ready. you two had a promise that you would take her around and she wanted that to happen too.

Things don't always go the way we want - you sensed something was off starting from the last half of the week she was there in New York. But you chose to be understanding, her work can sometimes be quite a handful job and she definitely needed her time with her friends too.

Though, she's now back at home in Seoul and you still can feel in your bones that something's off. As soon as she saw you, she muttered the words 'i love you' so fast - like it was some sort of guilty pleasure. As if she's done something so wrong behind your back but she can't say the word sorry for what she had done.

Again, you brushed it all off because you thought to yourself that you were just overthinking and exaggerating things.

You only got the chance to spend your time with her for four days before she went back to her usual packed day. You were used to this pattern and structure of your relationship but now, it felt so odd - there's a tiny voice in your head telling you to listen to your gut. Which was something that wasn't right.

On one of her busy days, she came home looking so exhausted and those weary eyes were imploring for a tight hug.

"Rosie? You're home early. Hey, are you okay?" you inched closer to your girlfriend. She closed the door and turned around looking down on you.

"Hey, yeah. I am okay. Please, can I head straight to the bedroom? I'm so worn out."

You took your arms back to yourself when you noticed that it wasn't the right moment for Roseanne. You felt so disappointed, Roseanne had never turned you down. Despite how busy she got, she never did you wrong.

"Oh, sure. You need your rest. Do you want to eat anything?"

"Uhm, no. We'll have dinner together later, alright?" she smiled at you softly and headed upstairs.

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