Chapter 9

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Following Rin and Shirou into the church, you walked into the dark side of the building by the walls while masking the flow of your mana. Pulling your hood over your head, you watched them close the door from the last pew on the extreme left.

The overseer squinted into the darkness at you but turned back to Shirou and began explaining the Holy Grail War to him since he didn't notice anything unusual. You bit back a snicker as you threw a needle at the priest, the long senbon getting stuck in his shoulder

"What on earth-"  jumping from the top of the pew, you landed in front of him as you asked "It's been quite a while, hasn't it, Kirei?" You pushed your hood back and smirked up at the dark haired man, your eyes flashing red for the briefest of moments before returning to the soft aqua colour they usually were.

The priest stumbled back in shock as he exclaimed, wide eyed "(N-name)!? I-I, I thought you were in England...!" Walking over to him, you pulled the needle out of his shoulder as you sighed "I was until a few hours ago, besides..... I was hoping for a warmer reception. Do I scare you that much?"

"I was just startled. I didn't sense your mana" he stated, looking away. Shaking your head, you walked away from him as you said "That reminds me. Kirei, we have something to discuss..... Something that is completely and totally your fault, and something that could kill each and every one of us in this war. We need to talk about Gilgamesh"

"I don't have any business with that man. So, why do you-" a needle pricking at his jugular had him quiet as he blinked at you, sweat rolling down the side of his face as he asked "What exactly do you need to know?"

Time Skip

"Kotomine...... Do you have any idea the kind of situation we're in?" You asked him, grabbing him by the shirt front and pulling him down to your height to headbutt him "People are going to die!"

"The sacrifices are necessary for the Grail to materialize here. You are aware of this-" you shoved at the huge man, glaring up at him "Killing innocent people?! As the overseer, you should protect those who aren't concerned with this war and make sure non magic users don't interfere! That's the job that was given to you, so why the hell aren't you doing it??! Why must magi be so evil and conceited just for this useless Grail?!!!"

You stormed out of the church with Saber on your tail, tears blurring your sight as the blonde came to stand beside you, inquiring of your well-being. You felt your shoulders quake as you threw yourself at her, letting the tears slide down your cheeks.

"Innocent people are going to die all because that bastard wants the Grail and he won't even try to stop it..... Magi are scum! Useless, evil people!" You sobbed into the Knight's shoulder, her armor vanishing so she could you hold you close, her stiffness dissipating as she felt herself relating to your feelings.

"Kotomine is a part of the church and he is indeed very wicked. I once believed that he was incapable of having normal human feelings, and I still believe it. But not all Magi are evil, you are an exception and that alone is beautiful in it's own right"

You sniffled at her words, trying to hold yourself together so Rin wouldn't see you like this "Do you really mean that?" Saber nodded and made her armor materialize again "Yes, I do. You have the ability to change the next generation of Magi and make them more like you instead of the heartless machines that they are, who only seek the Grail"

You turned around, about to walk back into the church when Archer landed in front of you and gave you an incredulous stare "Are you crying?" You huffed and crossed your arms, looking away from the dark skinned male "No, I'm not. But, if Kotomine thinks he can take out the Tohsaka bloodline so easily, he's in for a shock. I'll make sure I give my all to protect Rin, she's not dying while I'm around, not now, not ever; Gilgamesh wouldn't dare lay a hand on her"

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