Chapter 5

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Rin's P.O.V 
As soon as Archer and Lancer started their fight, I stared on in awe at the fast paced fight, following what I could as they clashed and exchanged blows.

As one of Archer's swords broke, I yelled out to him "Archer"

'after starting the war like this, I'd be damned if I let Archer do this to me'
My thoughts ran a mile a minute as my heart beat rapidly, beads of sweat rolling down the side of my face.

I sighed in relief as Archer created another sword and blocked Lancer's spear. However, one of the swords flew out of Archer's hand and towards me, I shrieked and raised my arms up to block it since I couldn't flow my mana fast enough to use a gandr on it.

I closed my eyes tightly as Archer called out to me "Master!" But then, I felt a disturbance in the space beside my head. At the familiar feeling of the mana, I quickly turned my head to the left, wanting to see if my suspicions were correct.

My eyes widened as I noticed the familiar aqua coloured glyph that (Y/n)-O nee-sama uses for teleportation, her cloaked figure jumping out of the glyph. In that moment, relief flooded through my body as I sighed, my eyes returning to normal when she threw one of her needles at the sword, pinning it and sending the sword to the floor at my other side.

Your P.O.V

You had barely jumped through your return magic glyph before you tossed a mana infused senbon at the sword that seemed to be headed straight at your younger sibling.

"Looks like I made it just in tim- oof!" You stumbled as Rin threw herself at you, her face nestled against your neck as she sighed "Finally....... You made it........ I've been waiting for you, (Y/n)- O nee-sama........."

You blinked before reciprocating the warm gesture, hugging the taller brunette to your smaller frame "Its good to see you too, Rin........."
Remembering where you were though, you pulled away from the hug hurriedly "Th-this isn't the time for a family reunion, you're in a battle!!"

"Archer's the one fighting-" you lightly punched the top of her head after grabbing her by the collar and bringing her down to your height (who else is as tiny as me?😳😳)
"But, you're his master, so support him, baka!" You grit your teeth at how careless she was being, wondering why she would act this way.

"Took you long enough to get here, so don't punch me like that"  "What? Did you say something, Rin?" You asked her, a dangerous, squinted eye smile on your face "n-no..... I didn't say anything... N-nothing at all!" She waved her arms wildly as she stepped away from you, giggling nervously.

"Sure?" You asked again, appearing behind her with your superhuman speed. She cringed visibly at the cold air before forcing herself to nod, not wanting to anger you "v-very sure......"

"Archer! Let me join in on the fight!" You diverted your attention from your frightened sister, opting to pull your black cloak off and throw it at her, bringing her out of her petrified state.

"(Y/n), I don't think that's a good idea..!" The dark skinned male said, his voice sounding annoyed as he risked a glance in your direction "And why not? In fact, I didn't make myself clear earlier...... I'm joining in on the fight" You replied, your aqua eyes turning a deep red.

You fished out gems from the holsters attached to your thighs and took a deep breath, forcing your left leg into the ground, you disappeared, leaving only a crack where you stood previously.

Both Lancer's and Archer's eyes widened in surprise before you appeared right between the two males, kicking lancer in the gut and sending him flying "Archer, let me take him off your hands for a moment!"

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