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Komori woke up at some time of the night. It wasn't morning yet since it was still pitch black outside. He was pretty confused as to why he woke up at such a random time. He then figured out that he needed to use the bathroom. He went to climb out of the futon until he felt there were eyes on him. He looked up to see that he was face to face with a tired-looking Suna. He wasn't fully awake and he was in the middle of flipping over, but it still made Komori flush red. He waited until Suna settled once more before speed walking out of the room to the bathroom. Once the door was closed, he let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. He looked in the mirror to see his face was red to the tip of his ears.

"Ughhhhh." Komori groaned as he let his head drop. He turned on the faucet and splashed some water in his face. Through the water droplets in his eyelashes, he didn't see someone else enter the bathroom through his peripheral vision. He just wished they could temporarily go back to the times when he was able to share a bed with Suna without worrying about whatever happened while he was asleep. It didn't help that Suna was show-stoppingly hot when he was tired either. The small glimpse he caught a few moments earlier was enough to make him want to kiss him. They had fallen asleep on the phone or during facetime multiple times before, but it wasn't the same as falling asleep back to back. Suna was so warm and it just made Komori want to cuddle up onto him. His mind was doing backflips when he heard some kind of sound from behind him. He turned around to see Suna standing in the doorway.

"Toya? Are you alright?"

He turned fully around and put his hands up awkwardly. "Hi, Rin. Why are you awake?"

"I could hear you speed walking out of the room like your life depended on it." He leaned against the wall behind him with his arms crossed. His voice was still a little groggy from lack of use while he was sleeping.

"I'm fine." He looked away just in case his face was disagreeing with his words. Suna didn't respond for a second before clicking his tongue.

"You're lying."

"I'm not!" Komori turned back to him as his eyebrows furrowed in protest.

"What's up with all the water on your face?" Suna pointed at his face which was less red, but still very wet. He placed his fingers onto his cheek, wiping off a little bit of water.

"I was just warm. You're pretty hot." Suna looked at him surprised and that's when his words were processed. "Your body heat I mean!" He followed up, panicked.

"Yeah. I got that part." Suna looked away as he could feel his ears start to get hot. "Dry your face and let's go back to bed before the sun rises preferably." He pointed out the window to see the start of sunrise. Komori grabbed a paper towel and rubbed his face dry. When he threw it in the trash, he felt Suna pull him into a quick side hug before exiting the bathroom.

"I'll be there, don't worry."

He looked away from the entrance of the bathroom and ran into the nearest stall. He closed and locked the door. He slid down the locked door, gripping his shirt near his heart. Does this always happen when your crush touches you? It feels like one of his lungs was about to collapse any second now. After a few deep breaths, he actually went to the bathroom, washed his hands, and quietly made his way back to the room. When he got there, he saw Suna already laying down seemingly fast asleep. He climbed onto the futon next to him and tried to fall back to sleep.

Suna felt Komori lay down next to him and waited a second before shifting onto his back. He stared at the ceiling before looking over to see the back of Komori's head. During their conversation, he noticed that Komori was blushing a bit. He knew that he was a naturally cold person. Komori would always have a blanket around his shoulders when he was at home or he would rub his arms to create friction during games. Suna surely wasn't warm enough to combat whatever Komori had going on most of the time. He shoved his head into the pillow he was laying on before staring back at the dark ceiling. He just needed to sleep this off.

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