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It was day two of the training camp. They had just gotten done with their games and it was getting dark once more. They had 3 more days before they could do anything remotely fun, so they were working towards that. None of the coaches let whatever the surprise was a slip, but that was the motivation they needed to keep going. They were all panting. Playing volleyball all day would do that to you. The coaches made them play for about ten minutes extra, so they were all tired, sweaty, and hungry.

"Guys. When we get back to the hotel, you guys are gonna shower, and then go down to eat!" One of the coaches called out.

"Okay!" They all called out as they gathered their things and made their way onto the busses. They all wished that their noses didn't work since the smell of BO was so strong. If you looked around you would see someone gagging, or covering their nose with a clean shirt.

As soon as the bus door opened, they all clamored out of the bus and ran into the hotel. No one got hurt, but many came close to twisting an ankle as they stepped on others' feet. Once they were in their rooms people were fighting over who got to take a shower first.

Komori sat down on the floor at the headboard of his bed. He was too sweaty to comfortably lay on it. He looked up at his cousin who was walking towards the bathroom. It was a given that Kiyoomi was going to take the first shower.

"Could you hurry up? I feel gross." Komori looked down at his palms just to see how moist they were.

"Imagine how I feel," Sakusa mumbled as he turned on the shower. "But sure." He closed the bathroom door behind him.

Komori sighed and let his head fall back, hitting the hardwood of the bed frame. He grimaced for a second from how hard it collided with the back of his skull. Once the pulsing stopped, he rested his eyes. He was on the verge of sleep until his phone buzzed, scaring him. He looked at the screen to see that Suna was calling, also known as 'Sunarin' on the contact. He picked up the phone and brought it over to his ear.

"Hey, Rin!" He greeted with the usual excitement he showed when he talked to Suna.

"What's up Toya," Suna said, but it sounded like he was only half there.

"Are you okay? You sound sad." Komori's eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Yeah, I'm-" Suna's sentence cut off as he yawned. "I'm just tired, don't worry. We were playing for like 5 years."

"Weren't you the one who said they weren't going to overwork us?" The both of them laughed at the little comment. "Aren't you sweaty? Why are you laying down?"

"Unlike you, I assume, I got the privilege of showering first. You know how long Atsumu takes."

Komori didn't respond as he remembered the last time he saw Suna fresh out of the shower. His hair sticking to his face and the water sliding down the side of it. His face flushed and he shook his head, slapping himself with his free hand a little. The bathroom door opened while he was in the middle of that, he looked up to see Sakusa staring at him like he was insane. He smiled apologetically before turning his attention back to his phone.

"Kiyo just got out of the shower." He stood up from the floor and went to look through his bag for pajamas. "Don't fall asleep before dinner."

"I'll try my best." Suna chuckled before hanging up the phone.

As he walked past, Sakusa bumped into his shoulder. He looked over at his cousin, confused as they just had a staring contest for a second. Sakusa opened his mouth to say something before closing it again.


"No, you're not doing that Kiyoomi." He turned to the other who was moving to go sit on his bed.

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