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Atsumu elbowed Suna in the side when they pulled into the empty parking lot of Inarizaki High School. Since it was Sunday no one was there and they needed to get home since they had school tomorrow. Most of the team was walking distance away but a few of them were calling their parents to get picked up. Aside from the side of the school, the first thing Suna saw when he opened his eyes was Komori looking right back at him. Realizing he was caught, the boy quickly looked away as his face heated up.

Suna leaned forward so his chin was sitting on the back of Komori's seat. "Take a picture, It'll last longer." He teased which made Komori turn around and smack him on his shoulder with a small laugh.

They were all loaded off the bus when one of the coaches called out, "C'mon Itachiyama! We've gotta be back before dark," making everyone turn to him.

Komori turned back to Suna with a smile. "Text me on your walk home. That bus ride is going to be super boring."

"I will don't worry." He pulled Komori into a hug before looking into his eyes with a small smile. He let go of Komori and went to say goodbye to Sakusa before standing by the gate to wait for the other Inarizaki second years.

Komori waited for Sakusa who was kissing Atsumu goodbye. Even after they separated, Atsumu hung off of his shoulders like he was never going to see him again. Komori rolled his eyes at their behavior. Itachiyama and Inarizaki tend to cross paths far more times than often since they were the top two high school teams in the nation. That's when the boy's mind started to wander. What if one day, he was kissing Suna goodbye after a practice match. He sighed loudly as he approached Sakusa who was waving goodbye to Atsumu as the other walked away. Sakusa looked at his cousin with an eyebrow raised.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked as they turned to walk to the bus together. "Did you not say bye correctly?"

"We hugged and stuff but--" Komori cut himself off as he played with his fingers. He hugged Suna a lot. It was like their standard goodbye, but something about that hug seemed different than their past ones.


"I don't know Kiyoomi. That one just seemed different."

Sakusa sighed like this was a conversation they've had multiple times before, In a way it was. "Elaborate." Even if he didn't want to, he was always going to be there to listen to Komori go on his little rants.

"The way he looked at me when we broke the hug was filled with so much more care than usual. His smile was softer and his eyes looked less sharp."

"He always looks like that when he looks at you." They sat down in the back of the bus so they could get a hint of privacy during the conversation.

"No, he doesn't. His usual look is different from that. When he smiles it's a lot more full. Like, you know that smile he makes after he finishes laughing? It's that smile. And I've never seen his eyes that soft before. I mean he's never glared at me like he's glared at Atsumu but he's never looked at me that softly either." He looked up to see his cousin staring out the window behind him. "Were you even listening?"

"Look." They hadn't pulled out of the parking lot yet since some people needed to use the bathroom. Komori turned around to see Suna, Atsumu, and Ginjima talking by the gate while most likely waiting for Osamu. Suna looked like he was blushing a bit while Atsumu and Ginjima laughed loudly at him. "He's probably embarrassed because of how soft he is towards you."

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