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"I have feelings for you. Like, I like you. Like, like you. I wanna go on dates with you, and hold hands with you, and kiss you, and-" Komori cut himself off as he felt himself rambling. Suna wasn't responding so he started to panic slightly. "Rin..?"

Sitting on the other side of the bed, Suna's brain was in shambles. It was like the puzzle he was putting together for all 16 years of his life was just swept off the table by Komori. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly as he tried to conjure up a response, but nothing came out. He knew Komori couldn't see him, but the amount of heat on his face still made him feel embarrassed. He was snapped out of whatever trance he was in when Komori stood up from the bed abruptly. The bed creaked under the fact that his weight was the only thing on it now.

"I'm...I'm going to go." Komori bit his lip as he made his way to the door. Before he could reach the door handle, Suna grabbed his wrist and turned him around, pressing his back to the wall. He looked up into Suna's eyes as he was cornered. Their eye contact wasn't mutual since Suna was staring at the floor before looking up at Komori. They just stared at each other in silence until their lips were abruptly connected. One of Suna's hands was on the back of Komori's neck and the other was still pinning him to the wall. His eyes widened as he slowly fell into the momentum of the kiss. He shakily laid his hands on Suna's shoulders and closed his eyes. They made out for about 2 minutes, their lips moving in sync. That's when the door tried to open, shocking them out of the kiss.

"Suna, did you lock the door?!" Atsumu said from outside the room.

"Go away Atsumu!"

"This is my room too you ass!"

"It's fine Rin," Komori whispered as he pushed them away from the wall. He turned around and opened the door for Atsumu who looked back and forth between the two. They were both bright red and it looked like their lips were a little more swollen than usual.

"Wait a minute." He pointed at the two of them. "The door was locked, and you two were in there alone...what the fuck was going on in there?"

"The door wasn't even locked." Suna crossed his arms. "You're just bad at opening doors."

Komori bit his lip and stepped around Atsumu who was looking at him suspiciously. "I'll see you guys later." He said as he walked down the hall. Once he heard the door close, he felt every ounce of composure he had slid out of his body. When he was in the elevator he covered his face with his hands and screamed into them. The elevator dinged and he practically ran to his and Sakusa's room. When he closed the door he just slid down it, not acknowledging his cousin who was sitting right on his bed.

"How'd it go?" Sakusa stood up and walked over to him, still freaking out on the floor. He took a step back as Komori started kicking his legs out of excitement like a toddler. "That's not an answer." He flinched back as Komori jumped up and pulled him into a hug. He patted his back a few times before pushing him away.

"He kissed me Kiyoomi," Komori whispered, practically to himself as if he was trying to get his brain to believe it.

"Speak up."

"He kissed me." He pointed at himself as he made eye contact with his cousin, saying it much louder.

"So it went well?"

"Of course it went well!" He pushed Sakusa away and danced around their room for a second before falling onto his bed.

"So are you guys dating yet or will I have to give you a pep talk for that too?" Sakusa walked over to his side of the room and sat back down on his bed.

Komori abruptly sat up and looked over. "I didn't ask him. We made out, and I forgot to ask him."

"Please don't tell me all the details, I've known both of you far too long for that mental image." He held his hand up and looked away out of disgust. "Text him or ask him tomorrow or something."

"I can't just text him." Komori let his head fall back onto the pillow.

"Well, you'll see him tomorrow. I promise you not asking him out isn't going to be the end of the world."

"What the fuck was that?"

"What was what?" Suna asked as he laid back down on his bed. It felt a lot more empty after sitting there with Komori for so long. His eyes trailed Atsumu as he walked over to his bed and chucked his pillow at Suna. He was expecting it so his arm just shot up, causing it to fall to the floor.

"The two of you alone in our room, with an extremely hard to open door isn't a normal thing, Rintarou. Tell me what happened." He begged a bit. He just wanted to rub it in his face and get the $50 he bet last month.

"God, you're annoying. We kissed by the door and that's why it wasn't opening." Suna just shrugged and picked up his phone, the flashlight was still on so he shined it in Atsumu's face before turning it off.

"Why are you like this?" Atsumu shielded his eyes with his forearm before dropping it just to gasp as he understood what he just heard. "You guys kissed?!"

"That's what I said isn't it?"

He jumped up and walked to Suna with his hand out. When he was met with a confused look he just smirked. "I want my fifty bucks."

"For what?"

"Don't you remember the bet from last month? You two are dating now and I want my money."

"Neither of us asked the other one out."

Atsumu dropped his hand. "You two kissed, presumably multiple times, but you aren't dating."

"You tried to knock down the door before anyone got the chance." Suna sat up, a little annoyed. Kissing Komori was like making out with an angel and Atsumu just had to ruin that.

"You better ask him tomorrow." Atsumu pointed an accusing finger at Suna's chest. "I want my payment from psyching you up."

"I'll do it when it happens."

"Jesus Christ, I hate you." Atsumu went back to his bed and crawled under the covers.

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