chapter one

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My Dearest Lizzie,
I write to you from camp today. I'm getting worried as we stay longer away from our families, but right now I fear the most for your brother. I haven't seen him in a long time and the general is going to be deeming him M.I.A. I have been searching for Steve, but I can't find him anywhere. I think he has gone into danger by himself. I am going to find him and bring him home to you. I will make sure he gets home to you safe. Until the next letter, future Mrs. Barnes.
Your soldier,

My most handsome James,
I hope you can find Steve soon. I long for both of your returns so we can be safe and together again. I need you home as well so we can finally become one. To be Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes. Oh to tell people I am Mrs. James Barnes. I have been dreaming of the day since you had to leave me for the war. I will be here waiting for both of my boys to safely return to me and I do have the most wonderful news to share with you when you return! Until your next response, Mr. Bucky Barnes!
Your Future Wife,

There had never been a next response after that letter. It was the last letter I had received from my beloved future husband, and it had been the last I had heard from him until the torture. Until he was no longer the man that remembered me as his soon-to-be wife.  As far as I knew now, he was dead and will have been for over seventy years.

Elizabeth is my name — Elizabeth Rogers. That's right, I was still Rogers, never became Elizabeth Barnes as I had dreamed of becoming. To have been Mrs. James Buchanan Barnes ... it was something I still had sweet dreams about, but reality would wake me up and I would realize I am still without the love of my life. That I would never see him again ... at least not as the Bucky I had known.

"Daydreaming, Agent?"

I quickly hid the last letter I received under my book as I looked to see whom had rudely came into my office without thoughtfully knocking. It came as no surprise when I saw it was a well-known philanthropist play boy.

"Mr. Stark, what do I owe the pleasure?" I interlaced my fingers as I laid my hands on my desk with my eyes on my guest.

"Just ensuring you're coming to the party tonight. It is for you after all," he walked around my office in search of booze no doubt. "No booze? Whiskey?"

"Mr. Stark, this is a professional work environment," I sighed out as my hands made their ways to either of my temples rubbing circles. Tony Stark was the master of throwing the most extravagant parties ... especially for his friends. Friends who have birthdays. "Can I interest you in water perhaps? Or a cup of tea?"

"I'll pass," he gave a sarcastic smile. "Will the guest of honor be there?"

"Tony," I let out a sigh as I looked at the suddenly interesting manila folder. "I have a lot of files to catch up on."

"I'll have Jarvis do it digitally," Tony shrugged as if that would solve all the problems.

"Tony, the agent's work isn't that simple," I let out a breathy chuckle. "I can't go out tonight, I'm sorry."

"Can't or won't?" he headed toward the door and stopped in the frame without turning his head. "I'll be sure to look for you, Rogers."

I scrunched my eye brows in irritation as I groaned while leaning back in my chair. Sometimes, I wish I never ended up here and I was in the 1940's where I belonged.

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